[刷题]算法竞赛入门经典(第2版) 5-10/UVa1597 - Searching the Web



//UVa1597 - Searching the Web
//#define _XIENAOBAN_
using namespace std; map<string, set<unsigned> > word;
char lines[1510][85];
unsigned N, M, la[105], ln(1);//la:last line of the article; ln:line number
char tmpword[80], tmpline[88], w1[80], w2[80], w3[80]; void ONLY(bool& flag, const string& on) {
auto &t(word[on]);
auto p(t.begin());
for (unsigned i(1);i <= N;++i) {
while (p != t.end() && *p < la[i - 1]) ++p;
if (p != t.end() && *p < la[i]) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
while (p != t.end() && *p < la[i])
} void NOT(bool& flag, const string& on) {
auto &t(word[on]);
auto p(t.begin());
for (unsigned i(0);i < N;++i) {
while (p != t.end() && *p < la[i]) ++p;
if (p == t.end() || *p >= la[i + 1]) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
for (auto j(la[i]);j < la[i + 1];++j)
} void AND(bool& flag, const string& le, const string& ri) {
auto &t1(word[le]), &t2(word[ri]);
auto p1(t1.begin()),
for (unsigned i(1);i <= N;++i) {
while (p1 != t1.end() && *p1 < la[i - 1]) ++p1;
while (p2 != t2.end() && *p2 < la[i - 1]) ++p2;
if ((p1 != t1.end() && *p1 < la[i]) &&
(p2 != t2.end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
unsigned re;
while ((p1 != t1.end() && *p1 < la[i]) ||
(p2 != t2.end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (p1 == t1.end() || *p1 >= la[i]) re = *p2++;
else if (p2 == t2.end() || *p2 >= la[i]) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 > *p1) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 < *p1) re = *p2++;
else re = *p1++, *p2++;
} void OR(bool& flag, const string& le, const string& ri) {
auto p1(word[le].begin()),
for (unsigned i(1);i <= N;++i) {
while (p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i - 1]) ++p1;
while (p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i - 1]) ++p2;
if ((p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i]) ||
(p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
unsigned re;
while ((p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i]) ||
(p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (p1 == word[le].end() || *p1 >= la[i]) re = *p2++;
else if (p2 == word[ri].end() || *p2 >= la[i]) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 > *p1) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 < *p1) re = *p2++;
else re = *p1++, *p2++;
} int main()
#ifdef _XIENAOBAN_
#define gets(T) gets_s(T, 88)
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
scanf("%d", &N);
for (unsigned now(0);now < N;++now) { //read contexts of articles
la[now] = ln;
while (gets(tmpline) && strcmp(tmpline, "**********")) {
strcpy(lines[ln], tmpline);
char *pl(tmpline);
do {
if ((*pl >= 'a' && *pl <= 'z') || (*pl >= 'A' && *pl <= 'Z')) {
char *pw(tmpword);
while ((*pl >= 'a' && *pl <= 'z') || (*pl >= 'A' && *pl <= 'Z')) {
if (*pl >= 'A' && *pl <= 'Z') *pl += 32;
*pw++ = *pl++;
*pw = 0;
} while (*pl++ != 0);
la[N] = ln;
scanf("%d", &M);
int nnnn = 0;
while (M--) { //read requests
char *p = tmpline, *pw1 = w1, *pw2 = w2, *pw3 = w3;
while (*p && *p != ' ') *pw1++ = *p++;
*pw1 = '\0';
if (*p) ++p;
while (*p && *p != ' ') *pw2++ = *p++;
*pw2 = '\0';
if (*p) ++p;
while (*p && *p != ' ') *pw3++ = *p++;
*pw3 = '\0';
bool flag(false);
if (!*w2) ONLY(flag, w1);
else if (*w1 == 'N') NOT(flag, w2);
else if (*w2 == 'A') AND(flag, w1, w3);
else OR(flag, w1, w3);
if (!flag) puts("Sorry, I found nothing.");
//printf("==========%d\n", ++nnnn);//
return 0;

分析:我选择死亡。。。难倒是不难,很快就解出来了。但是一开始用了近1秒的时间,很郁闷。于是又花了几天的时间去研究别人的代码,也包括把之前sstream全改掉用gets和puts,把only not and or全部分开做函数,写的老长。用gets和puts的版本用了0.600s,还是比别人的都慢好多。GitHub上看到大神0.080s的(https://github.com/morris821028/UVa/blob/master/temp/1597%20-%20Searching%20the%20Web.cpp),我天这是差了多少倍!于是仿着大神的代码也写了个,结果1.090s!!??一定是我没抄到其精髓?!花了几天时间了,结果还变慢了,好难过啊。。。然后过了几天我又回来研究了。我发现其实网上看到的算法全都是大同小异的,那我的代码一定是哪里有问题。看到大神函数里面的这一句:set<int> &t = wordInLine[args[1]]; 一开始我以他只是图个书写方便,但想了想,这样就不需要每次寻找wordInLine[args[1]]的值了,于是我就抱着试试的心态,也加了句类似的。结果瞬间从0.960s降到0.190s!新技能get!



//UVa1597 - Searching the Web
//#define _XIENAOBAN_
using namespace std; map<string, set<unsigned> > word;
char lines[1510][85];
unsigned N, M, la[105], ln(1);//la:last line of the article; ln:line number
char tmpword[80], tmpline[88], w1[80], w2[80], w3[80]; void ONLY(bool& flag, const string& on) {
auto p(word[on].begin());
for (unsigned i(1);i <= N;++i) {
while (p != word[on].end() && *p < la[i - 1]) ++p;
if (p != word[on].end() && *p < la[i]) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
while (p != word[on].end() && *p < la[i])
} void NOT(bool& flag, const string& on) {
auto p(word[on].begin());
for (unsigned i(0);i < N;++i) {
while (p != word[on].end() && *p < la[i]) ++p;
if (p == word[on].end() || *p >= la[i + 1]) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
for (auto j(la[i]);j < la[i + 1];++j)
} void AND(bool& flag, const string& le, const string& ri) {
auto p1(word[le].begin()),
for (unsigned i(1);i <= N;++i) {
while (p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i - 1]) ++p1;
while (p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i - 1]) ++p2;
if ((p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i]) &&
(p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
unsigned re;
while ((p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i]) ||
(p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (p1 == word[le].end() || *p1 >= la[i]) re = *p2++;
else if (p2 == word[ri].end() || *p2 >= la[i]) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 > *p1) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 < *p1) re = *p2++;
else re = *p1++, *p2++;
} void OR(bool& flag, const string& le, const string& ri) {
auto p1(word[le].begin()),
for (unsigned i(1);i <= N;++i) {
while (p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i - 1]) ++p1;
while (p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i - 1]) ++p2;
if ((p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i]) ||
(p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (flag) puts("----------");
else flag = true;
unsigned re;
while ((p1 != word[le].end() && *p1 < la[i]) ||
(p2 != word[ri].end() && *p2 < la[i])) {
if (p1 == word[le].end() || *p1 >= la[i]) re = *p2++;
else if (p2 == word[ri].end() || *p2 >= la[i]) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 > *p1) re = *p1++;
else if (*p2 < *p1) re = *p2++;
else re = *p1++, *p2++;
} int main()
#ifdef _XIENAOBAN_
#define gets(T) gets_s(T, 88)
freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
scanf("%d", &N);
for (unsigned now(0);now < N;++now) { //read contexts of articles
la[now] = ln;
while (gets(tmpline) && strcmp(tmpline, "**********")) {
strcpy(lines[ln], tmpline);
char *pl(tmpline);
do {
if ((*pl >= 'a' && *pl <= 'z') || (*pl >= 'A' && *pl <= 'Z')) {
char *pw(tmpword);
while ((*pl >= 'a' && *pl <= 'z') || (*pl >= 'A' && *pl <= 'Z')) {
if (*pl >= 'A' && *pl <= 'Z') *pl += 32;
*pw++ = *pl++;
*pw = 0;
} while (*pl++ != 0);
la[N] = ln;
scanf("%d", &M);
int nnnn = 0;
while (M--) { //read requests
char *p = tmpline, *pw1 = w1, *pw2 = w2, *pw3 = w3;
while (*p && *p != ' ') *pw1++ = *p++;
*pw1 = '\0';
if (*p) ++p;
while (*p && *p != ' ') *pw2++ = *p++;
*pw2 = '\0';
if (*p) ++p;
while (*p && *p != ' ') *pw3++ = *p++;
*pw3 = '\0';
bool flag(false);
if (!*w2) ONLY(flag, w1);
else if (*w1 == 'N') NOT(flag, w2);
else if (*w2 == 'A') AND(flag, w1, w3);
else OR(flag, w1, w3);
if (!flag) puts("Sorry, I found nothing.");
//printf("==========%d\n", ++nnnn);//
return 0;



//UVa1597 - Searching the Web
using namespace std; struct article {
map<string, vector<unsigned> > word;
vector<string> line;
const article tmpart;//an empty article,just for push_back
unsigned N, M;
string tmpstr;
vector<article> dat; inline bool ONLY(const article& ar, const string& l, const string& r) {
return ar.word.count(l);
inline bool AND(const article& ar, const string& l, const string& r) {
return ar.word.count(l) && ar.word.count(r);
inline bool OR(const article& ar, const string& l, const string& r) {
return ar.word.count(l) || ar.word.count(r);
} void NOT(const string& on) {
bool flag(false);
for (const auto& r : dat) {
if (!r.word.count(on)) {
if (flag) cout << "----------\n";
else flag = true;
for (const auto& rr : r.line)
cout << rr << '\n';
if (!flag) cout << "Sorry, I found nothing.\n";
} void solve(bool(*f)(const article&, const string&, const string&), const string& le, const string& ri) {
bool flag(false);
for (auto& r : dat) {//why it can't be "const auto& r"? because if a map is const,r.word[i] would be invalid
if (f(r, le, ri)) {
set<unsigned> re;
if (r.word.count(le)) for (const auto& rr : r.word[le]) re.insert(rr);
if (r.word.count(ri)) for (const auto& rr : r.word[ri]) re.insert(rr);
if (re.empty()) continue;
if (flag) cout << "----------\n";
else flag = true;
for (const auto& rr : re)
cout << r.line[rr] << '\n';
if (!flag) cout << "Sorry, I found nothing.\n";
} int main()
//freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);//
cin >> N;
cin.ignore();//absorb '\n'
for (unsigned now(0);now < N;++now) { //read contexts of articles
int ln(0);//line number of current article
dat.push_back(tmpart);//create a empty article
while (getline(cin, tmpstr) && tmpstr != "**********") {
for (auto& r : tmpstr) {
if (r >= 'a'&&r <= 'z') continue;
if (r >= 'A'&&r <= 'Z') r += 32;
else r = ' ';
istringstream in(tmpstr);
while (in >> tmpstr)
cin >> M;
while (M--) { //read requests
string sl, sm, sr;//left middle right
getline(cin, tmpstr);
istringstream in(tmpstr);
in >> sl;
if (!(in >> sm)) solve(ONLY, sl, sl);
else if (!(in >> sr)) NOT(sm);//why are you so special
else if (sm[0] == 'A') solve(AND, sl, sr);
else solve(OR, sl, sr);
cout << "==========\n";
return 0;
上一篇:[刷题]算法竞赛入门经典(第2版) 6-1/UVa673 6-2/UVa712 6-3/UVa536

下一篇:查询功能:yum [list|info|search|provides|whatprovides] 参数