import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding.Style;
import javax.xml.ws.Endpoint;
public class WiseQuoteServer {
@SOAPBinding(style = Style.RPC)
public String getQuote(String category) {
if (category.equals("fun")) {
return "5 is a sufficient approximation of infinity.";
if (category.equals("work")) {
return "Remember to enjoy life, even during difficult situatons.";
} else {
return "Becoming a master is relatively easily. Do something well and then continue to do it for the next 20 years";
public static void main(String[] args) {
WiseQuoteServer server = new WiseQuoteServer();
Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.publish(
"http://localhost:9191/wisequotes", server);
Jigar是正确的. JAX-WS使用JAXB将参数转换为XML. JAXB具有广泛的注释集,可用于自定义如何将数据转换为XML.由于数据是以XML格式发送的,因此几乎所有语言都可以读取/写入服务.此外,大多数语言都有某种可用的SOAP库.