fastText 训练和使用

fastText是一种Facebook AI Research在16年开源的一个文本分类器。 其特点就是fast。相对于其它文本分类模型,如SVM,Logistic Regression和neural network等模型,fastText在保持分类效果的同时,大大缩短了训练时间。

  • 训练fastText
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 trainDataFile = 'train.txt'   classifier = fasttext.train_supervised(     input = trainDataFile,     label_prefix = '__label__',     dim = 256,     epoch = 50,     lr = 1,     lr_update_rate = 50,     min_count = 3,     loss = 'softmax',     word_ngrams = 2,     bucket = 1000000) classifier.save_model("Model.bin")





  • 使用fastText进行预测


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 testDataFile = 'test.txt'   classifier = fasttext.load_model('Model.bin'   result = classifier.test(testDataFile) print '测试集上数据量', result[0] print '测试集上准确率', result[1] print '测试集上召回率', result[2]


  • Bag of tricks for efficient text classification



“<ap”, “app”, “ppl”, “ple”, “le>”



1. 对于低频词生成的词向量效果会更好。因为它们的n-gram可以和其它词共享。

2. 对于训练词库之外的单词,仍然可以构建它们的词向量。我们可以叠加它们的字符级n-gram向量。


  • fastText 运行速度快的原因

1)多线程训练:fastText在训练的时候是采用的多线程进行训练的。每个训练线程在更新参数时并没有加锁,这会给参数更新带来一些噪音,但是不会影响最终的结果。无论是 google 的 word2vec 实现,还是 fastText 库,都没有加锁。线程的默认是12个,可以手动的进行设置。



  • fastText 所有可选参数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The following arguments are mandatory:   -input              training file path   -output             output file path   The following arguments are optional:   -verbose            verbosity level [2]   The following arguments for the dictionary are optional:   -minCount           minimal number of word occurrences [1]   -minCountLabel      minimal number of label occurrences [0]   -wordNgrams         max length of word ngram [1]   -bucket             number of buckets [2000000]   -minn               min length of char ngram [0]   -maxn               max length of char ngram [0]   -t                  sampling threshold [0.0001]   -label              labels prefix [__label__]   The following arguments for training are optional:   -lr                 learning rate [0.1]   -lrUpdateRate       change the rate of updates for the learning rate [100]   -dim                size of word vectors [100]   -ws                 size of the context window [5]   -epoch              number of epochs [5]   -neg                number of negatives sampled [5]   -loss               loss function {ns, hs, softmax} [softmax]   -thread             number of threads [12]   -pretrainedVectors  pretrained word vectors for supervised learning []   -saveOutput         whether output params should be saved [0]   The following arguments for quantization are optional:   -cutoff             number of words and ngrams to retain [0]   -retrain            finetune embeddings if a cutoff is applied [0]   -qnorm              quantizing the norm separately [0]   -qout               quantizing the classifier [0]   -dsub               size of each sub-vector [2]
