
我有一个描述在某些时间发生的事件的元素列表,这些时间在对象上表示为Datetime属性“ StartTime”.我现在希望提取这些事件的子集,其中包含放置在两个DateTime实例A,B之间的时间间隔/中的那些元素,以使StartTime> = A&& StartTime< =B.目前,这是通过一个简单的Linq查询完成的,但是由于我必须运行很多查询以提取列表的一小部分,因此效率很低.






public class BinarySearcher<T>
    // Possibly passed to the call to BinarySort.
    private class ComparisonComparer : Comparer<T>
        Comparison<T> comparison;

        internal static IComparer<T> Create(Comparison<T> comparison)
            // If comparison is null, return the default comparer for T.
            if (comparison == null)
                // Return the default.
                return Comparer<T>.Default;

            // Return a new implementation.
            return new ComparisonComparer(comparison);

        private ComparisonComparer(Comparison<T> comparison)
            this.comparison = comparison;

        public override int Compare(T x, T y)
            return comparison(x, y);

    // The elements.
    T[] elements;

    // The IComparable implementation.
    IComparer<T> comparer;

    // Do not assume sorting.
    public BinarySearcher(IEnumerable<T> elements) : 
        this(elements, false, (IComparer<T>) null) { }

    // Use default comparer.
    public BinarySearcher(IEnumerable<T> elements, bool sorted) :
        this(elements, sorted, (IComparer<T>) null) { }

    // Assume no sorting.
    public BinarySearcher(IEnumerable<T> elements, 
        Comparison<T> comparer) :
            this(elements, false, 
                ComparisonComparer.Create(comparer)) { }

    // Convert to IComparable<T>.
    public BinarySearcher(IEnumerable<T> elements, bool sorted, 
        Comparison<T> comparer) :
            this(elements, sorted, 
                ComparisonComparer.Create(comparer)) { }

    // No sorting.
    public BinarySearcher(IEnumerable<T> elements, 
        IComparer<T> comparer) :
            this(elements, false, comparer) { }

    // Convert to array.
    public BinarySearcher(IEnumerable<T> elements, bool sorted, 
        IComparer<T> comparer) :
            this(elements.ToArray(), sorted, comparer) { }

    // Assume no sorting.
    public BinarySearcher(T[] elements) : this(elements, false) { }

    // Pass null for default comparer.
    public BinarySearcher(T[] elements, bool sorted) : 
        this(elements, sorted, (IComparer<T>) null) { }

    // Assume not sorted.
    public BinarySearcher(T[] elements, Comparison<T> comparer) :
        this(elements, false, ComparisonComparer.Create(comparer)) { }

    // Create IComparable<T> from Comparable<T>.
    public BinarySearcher(T[] elements, bool sorted, 
        Comparison<T> comparer) :
            this(elements, sorted, ComparisonComparer.Create(comparer)) { }

    // Assume the elements are not sorted.
    public BinarySearcher(T[] elements, IComparer<T> comparer) : 
        this(elements, false, comparer) { }

    public BinarySearcher(T[] elements, bool sorted, 
        IComparer<T> comparer)
        // If the comparer is null, create the default one.
        if (comparer == null)
            // Set to the default one.
            comparer = Comparer<T>.Default;

        // Set the comparer.
        this.comparer = comparer;

        // Set the elements.  If they are sorted already, don't bother, 
        // otherwise, sort.
        if (!sorted)
            // Sort.
            Array.Sort(elements, this.comparer);

        // Set the elements.
        this.elements = elements;

    public IEnumerable<T> Between(T from, T to)
        // Find the index for the beginning.
        int index = Array.BinarySearch(this.elements, from, comparer);

        // Was the item found?
        bool found = (index >= 0);

        // If the item was not found, take the bitwise 
        // compliment to find out where it would be.
        if (!found)
            // Take the bitwise compliment.
            index = ~index;

        // If the item was found, cycle backwards from
        // the index while there are elements that are the same.
        if (found)
            // Cycle backwards.
            for (; index >= 0 && 
                comparer.Compare(from, elements[index]) == 0; 
                --index) ;

            // Add one to the index, since this is on the element 
            // that didn't match the comparison.

        // Go forward now.
        for ( ; index < elements.Length; index++)
            // Return while the comparison is true.
            if (comparer.Compare(elements[index], to) <= 0)
                // Return the element.
                yield return elements[index];
                // Break
                yield break;

这里的大多数是用来初始化该类的助手,这将需要一种比较两个项目的方法(此处采用IComparer< T&Comparable>).该类还允许您接收已排序的原始数组,以防您以后想要自己在适当位置添加/删除/更新元素(而不必一直求助于数组).





public class Task
    public string Name;
    public DateTime StartTime;


// Create tasks.
Task[] tasks = 
    new Task() { Name = "Task 1", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 18) },
    new Task() { Name = "Task 2", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 16) },
    new Task() { Name = "Task 3", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 12) },
    new Task() { Name = "Task 4", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 11) },
    new Task() { Name = "Task 5", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 10) },
    new Task() { Name = "Task 6", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 01) },
    new Task() { Name = "Task 7", StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 09) }

// Now create the indexer.
BinarySearcher<Task> searcher = new BinarySearcher<Task>(tasks,
    (x, y) => Comparer<DateTime>.Default.Compare(x.StartTime, y.StartTime));

foreach (Task t in searcher.Between(
    new Task() { StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 13) },
    new Task() { StartTime = new DateTime(2009, 02, 10) }))
    // Write.