class Solution: def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool: max_x,max_y,max_step = len(board)-1,len(board[0])-1,len(word)-1 def maze(x, y,step,visited): if visited[x][y]==1: return False if board[x][y] != word[step]: return False if step==max_step: return True visited[x][y]=1 if x < max_x and maze(x+1,y,step+1,visited): return True if x>0 and maze(x-1,y,step+1,visited): return True if y<max_y and maze(x,y+1,step+1,visited): return True if y>0 and maze(x,y-1,step+1,visited): return True # 记得失败后要置零 visited[x][y]=0 return False visited = [[0]*(max_y+1) for i in range(max_x+1)] for x in range(max_x+1): for y in range(max_y+1): if board[x][y] != word[0]: continue if maze(x,y,0,visited): return True return False
class Solution: def exist(self, board: List[List[str]], word: str) -> bool: max_x,max_y,max_step = len(board)-1,len(board[0])-1,len(word)-1 def maze(x, y,step,visited): if visited[x][y]==1: return False if board[x][y] != word[step]: return False if step==max_step: return True visited[x][y]=1 if x < max_x and maze(x+1,y,step+1,visited): return True if x>0 and maze(x-1,y,step+1,visited): return True if y<max_y and maze(x,y+1,step+1,visited): return True if y>0 and maze(x,y-1,step+1,visited): return True # 记得失败后要置零 visited[x][y]=0 return False visited = [[0]*(max_y+1) for i in range(max_x+1)] need={} for c in word: if c in need: need[c]+=1 else: need[c]=1 for i in range(max_x+1): for j in range(max_y+1): if board[i][j] in need: need[board[i][j]] -=1 for c in need: if need[c] >0: return False for x in range(max_x+1): for y in range(max_y+1): if board[x][y] != word[0]: continue if maze(x,y,0,visited): return True return False