Data: the properties or status; is the core
Operations: the functions对外能提供的服务,给灯通电或者不通电。
Problem space --------------Solution space
object oriented(00)
是一种组织 设计 和实现的思想(Designs&Implementations)
2-2 面向对象基本概念
Object send messages
Messages are
Composed by the sender
Interpreted by the receiver
Implemented by the methods
May cause receiver to change state
May return the result
Object vs.Class
Represent things,events ,or concepts
Respond to message at run-time
Class(cat class)
Define properties of instances
Act like types in C++
OOP Characteristics
1.Evertything is an objetct.
2.A program is a bunch of objects telling each other what to do by sending messages.
3.Each Object has its own memory make up of other objects.
4.Every object has a type.
5.All objects of a particular type can receive the same messages.
An object has an interface
The interface is the way it receives messages.
It is defined in the class the object belong to.
Functions of the interface
The Hidden Implementation(隐藏实现)
Inner part of an object, data members to present its state, and the actions it takes
when messages is rcvd is hidden.
Class creators Vs. Client programmers
-Keep client programmer's hand off portions they should not touch.
-Allow the class creators to change the interval working of the class without worrying how it will affect the client programmers.
bundle data and methods dealing with these data together in an object
Hide the details of the data and action.
Restrict only access to the publicized methods.