
1. post-increment and pre-increment 的区别



void main()
int a,b,x=,y=; a = x++;
b = ++y; printf("Value of a : %d",a);
printf("Value of b : %d",b);

Different Types of Increment Operation

In C Programming we have two types of increment operator i.e Pre-Increment and Post-Increment Operator.

A. Pre Increment Operator

Pre-increment operator is used to increment the value of variable before using in the expression. In the Pre-Increment value is first incremented and then used inside the expression.

b = ++y;

In this example suppose the value of variable ‘y’ is 5 then value of variable ‘b’ will be 6 because the value of ‘y’ gets modified before using it in a expression.

B. Post Increment Operator

Post-increment operator is used to increment the value of variable as soon as after executing expression completely in which post increment is used. In the Post-Increment value is first used in a expression and then incremented.

b = x++;

In this example suppose the value of variable ‘x’ is 5 then value of variable ‘b’ will be 5 because old value of ‘x’ is used.

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