select t.rq,t.pm,coalesce(m.sje,0) sje,coalesce(m.fje,0) fje from ( select b.rq,c.pm from (values(?),(?),(?),(?),(?) ) b(rq), (values('00010002'),('00020002')) c(pm) ) t left join (select substr(a.LMZJBXX_RQ,1,7) rq,a.LMZJBXX_PM pm,sum(a.LMZJBXX_SJE) sje,sum(a.LMZJBXX_FJE) fje from JCJYXT_HSZM_LMZJBXX a where exists(select 1 from ucap_dept where UNIT_CODE like ? and DEPT_UNID=a.LMZJBXX_JZDW) group by substr(a.LMZJBXX_RQ,1,7),a.LMZJBXX_PM ) m on t.rq=m.rq and t.pm=m.pm order by t.rq,t.pm
Parameter markers can never be used:
* in a statement that is not a prepared statement
* in the fullselect of a CREATE VIEW statement
* in the triggered action of a CREATE TRIGGER statement
* in a query captured by DB2 Query Patroller
The statement cannot be processed.
User Response: Correct the syntax of the statement. If untyped parameter markers are not allowed, use the CAST specification to give the parameter marker a data type.
select t.rq,t.pm,coalesce(m.sje,0) sje,coalesce(m.fje,0) fje
from ( select b.rq,c.pm from (values('2014-09'), ('2014-08'), ('2014-07'), ('2014-06'), ('2014-05') ) b(rq), (values('00010002'),('00020002')) c(pm) ) t left join (select substr(a.LMZJBXX_RQ,1,7) rq,a.LMZJBXX_PM pm,sum(a.LMZJBXX_SJE) sje,sum(a.LMZJBXX_FJE) fje from JCJYXT_HSZM_LMZJBXX a where exists(select 1 from ucap_dept where UNIT_CODE like ? and DEPT_UNID=a.LMZJBXX_JZDW) group by substr(a.LMZJBXX_RQ,1,7),a.LMZJBXX_PM ) m on t.rq=m.rq and t.pm=m.pm order by t.rq,t.pm