Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinoceros

Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinoceros

in the mode of “渲染模式”

Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinoceros

in the mode of “着色模式”

Principle 1 :

Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with RhinocerosIn the mode of “着色模式”, the color in the Rhinoceros is the same as one in the Altium Designer

Principle 2 :

Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinoceroscreate color materials,

Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinocerosif “材料赋予方式” is “图层”, the color of “材质” is shown in the “渲染模式”. if “材料赋予方式” is “物件”, the color of “渲染模式” depends on the following setting.

Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinocerosif “显示颜色” is “以图层”, the color of “图层” is shown in the “着色模式”, otherwise the color of “着色模式” depends on “显示颜色” rather than the color of “图层”.

Principle 3 :

the color of the picture or photo can be extracted by “颜色捕捉器” or “颜色提取器”Altium Designer 15 --- Make 3D PCB Library with Rhinoceros


下一篇:Duanxx的Altium Designer学习:PCB试想一下,在目前的水平