public void printWeatherCard(WeatherCard w, JFrame controlFrame) throws MalformedURLException, IOException{
/* Displays a dialog box containing the temperature and location */
BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new URL(w.imgSrc));
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(img);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(controlFrame, "It is currently " + w.currentTemp + " \u00B0 F in " + w.location.city + ", " + w.location.state + ".\nCurrent humidity: " + w.currentHumidity +
"%.\nChance of precipitation: " + w.chancePrecip + "%.", "Weather Update: " + w.location.zipCode, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, icon);
But it hangs on the JOptionPane. I need a way to make it so that the
program either keeps going underneath the JOptionPane or to close the
pane after about 10 seconds. I am not sure how to work either into my
code, currently
>(更容易,更舒服)创建JDialog(JFrame parent,boolean true),默认关闭操作HIDE_ON_CLOSE,只有一个JDialog作为局部变量,通过setVisible重用此Object(false / true)
> @ looping inside arrays of all JOptionPanes (all exists there untill current JVM is alive) by @kleopatra