OpenCV 4 Android


Want a Quick Start link? Use this tutorial: “OpenCV for Android SDK”.

想要快速开始吗?使用这个教程:“OpenCV for Android SDK”。

What you should know你应该知道的

There are two major types of OpenCV4Android beginners, first group is new to Android, and the second - to OpenCV. We’ll try to provide some advice for both:有两种大的类型的OpenCV4Android开始者,第一种是对Android还不熟悉,第二种是对OpenCV还不熟悉。我们将努力为两种都提供一些建议:

  1. If you’re an experienced OpenCV adept and you want to start with Android, you should remember, that Android is not desktop OS, you should prepare yourself for mobile development. We’re not aiming to teach you all about Android, so in case you’re not really familiar with the platform, you may consider consulting the official website for developers, or some short introduction like this one. At the same time, we’ve prepared a special “Introduction into Android Development” tutorial and a set of samples helping you to become familiar with Android specifics. What’s important, is that you can reuse your C++ desktop code. It’s even recommended to develop and debug your algorithms in familiar environment, using your PC and favourite IDE. Of course you have to keep efficiency in mind, but please avoid premature optimization. OpenCV was designed to be high-performance, so measure your actual performance before you start to worry. Keep in mind, that majority of modern mobile devices is surprisingly powerful.如果你是一个有经验的OpenCV研究员,而对Android不熟悉,想开始开发,那么你应该记住,Android不是一个桌面的操作系统,你应该做好做mobile开发的准备。我们不准备教你关于Android的所有知识,所以如果你对该平台不是很熟悉,那么你应该考虑咨询开发者官网,或者查看像这个这种的简短介绍。同时,我们已经准备了一个专门的“Android开发简介”教程,里面有一系列的例子将帮助你对Android熟悉起来。这里很重要的一点就是,你可以重用你的C++桌面代码。甚至建议你在熟悉的环境中使用自己的PC和最喜欢的IDE来开发和调试算法。当然,你必须时刻记住效率,但是请避免过早地最优化。OpenCV是设计的最优化的,所以在你开始担心之前请实际跑一下看看是否真的需要做优化。请记住,现代的移动设备大部分都惊人的强大。
  1. If you’re a confident Android developer, but you need some information on OpenCV, please have a look at the documentation and use the user-support resources if needed: forum and issue tracker. And do not forget to look into tutorials, they will help you to quickly understand what you can easily accomplish with OpenCV. Computer Vision field has a long history, but some problems are still unsolved. If you’re not sure if OpenCV could help you with your task, just ask your question at our forum, people there like to solve quirky problems. 如果你是一个自信的Android开发者,但是你需要一些关于OpenCV的信息,请查看一些这个文档,并且使用用户支持资源如果需要的话:论坛和问题追踪。并且不要忘记查看教程,它们将帮助你快速理解你可以轻松用OpenCV完成的事情。计算机视觉领域有很长的历史,但是有些问题还是没有解决。如果你不确定OpenCV是否能帮助你完成你的任务的话,只需在我们的论坛提出你的问题,那里的人们将乐于帮你快速解决问题。

How to start如何开始

OpenCv4Android is available as a SDK with a set of samples and Javadoc documentation for OpenCV Java API. It also contains prebuilt apk-files, which you can run on your device instantly. There are three OpenCV tutorials aimed to help you start:OpenCV4Android可作为一个SDK使用,其中带有OpenCV Java API的一系列的例子和Javadoc文档。它还包括预编译的apk文件,你可以立即在你的设备上运行。有三个帮你上手的OpenCV教程。

  1. “Introduction into Android Development” would be useful for the absolute beginner, because it shows you how to setup Android development environment.“Android开发简介”对于完全新手来说是有用的,因为它向你展示了如何安装Android开发环境。
  2. Detailed instructions on SDK are available in the “OpenCV for Android SDK” tutorial. You’ll see a couple of sample applications, which you can use as a basis for your own developments.关于SDK的详细介绍在“OpenCV for AndroidSDK”中可以找到。其中你会看到几个简单的应用,你可以用它们来作为你自己的开发基础。
  3. “Android development with OpenCV” shows you how to add OpenCV functionality into your Android application. For those who want to reuse their C++ code, we’ve created a special section: “Native/C++”. We propose this way for the professional developers, since native development is a bit harder, but gives you larger opportunities. Face detection sample shows an example of wrapping a C++ class to the Java.

If you need additional information on OpenCV usage models, you can check this page.

Online resources

User Communities:

OpenCV4Android documentation:

Information on OpenCV:

3rd-party samples and tutorials:

Providing feedback

  1. You know, we love contributions, especially pull requests on the GitHub!
  2. If you think you’ve found a new bug, let’s double-check it:

  3. Please check that you use the latest version of OpenCV4Android.
  4. Please check the open “Android issues” on the tracker.
  5. Ask OpenCV community about your problem.
  6. If you’re still suspecting that you’re probably the first human who met such problem, let’s file a bug! Instructions are here.


  • Use OpenCV Q&A forum for most of your questions. And please help others, this is good for your karma!
  • Email: android at opencv dot org. Again, please use the group first of all, we do not provide private consultancy!
  • Twitter:
