#为了提高性能,文件系统一般都是以 relatime形式挂载进来的,见:/etc/fstab
find . -exec touch -m {} \; && touch ../tag
make mrproper && make allnoconfig && make menuconfig
General setup
--Initial RAM filesystem and RAM disk (initramfs/initrd) support
Executable file formats / Enulations
--Kernel support for ELF binaries
Networking support
Kernel hacking
--Kernel debugging
--Compile the kernel with debug info
--Compile the kernel with frame pointers
make #编译,大约需要10分钟
find . -type f ! -anewer ../tag | grep -v '/\.svn' | xargs rm
loop=found; while [ ! -z $loop ]; do loop=$(find . -type d | grep -v '/\.svn' | while read dirname; do cnt=$(ls $dirname | wc -l); if [ 0 -eq $cnt ]; then rm -rf $dirname; echo -n found; fi; done;); done;
find . -type d | while read dirname; do cnt=`find $dirname -name '*.[cSh]' | wc -l`; if [ 0 -eq $cnt ]; then rm -rf $dirname; fi; done;