x = "Camus" for i in range(len(x)): print(x[i]) #输出:C a m u s
2、编写程序,从用户处获取两个字符串,将其插入字符串"Yesterday I wrote a [用户输入1]. I sent it to [用户输入2]!"中,并打印新字符串。
n = input("type a str:") m = input("type another str:") x = "Yesterday I wrote a {}. I sent it in to {}!".format(n,m) print(x)
3、想办法使得"aldous "的第一个字符大写。
4、对字符串 "Where now? who now? when now?" 调用一个方法,返回如下的列表 ["Where now?", "Who now?", "When now?"]。
5、对列表 ["The","fox","jumped","over","the","fence","."] 进行处理,将其变成一个语法正确的字符串。每个单词以空格符分隔,但是单词fence和句号之间不能由空格符。
x_1 = ["The","fox","jumped","over","the","fence","."] x_2 = " ".join(x_1) #'The fox jumped over the fence .' x_3 = x_2[0:-2] #'The fox jumped over the fence' x_4 = "." print(x_3+x_4) # The fox jumped over the fence.
6、将字符串"A screaming comes across the sky."中所有的"s"字符替换为美元符号。
x = "A screaming comes across the sky".replace("s","$") print(x)
8、先后使用字符串拼接和乘法,创建字符串"three three three"。
x_1 = "three "*3 print(x_1) x_2 = "three "+"three "+"three" print(x_2)
9、对字符串 "It was bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." 进行切片,只保留逗号之前的字符。
x = "It was bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen." print(x[0:x.index(',')])