



ALSA代表高级Linux声音架构,如果你真的很好奇,我鼓励你在他们的project website周围逛逛.具体来说,我会看一下“I’m new to ALSA pages & tutorials.


The Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) is a Linux kernel component which replaced the original Open Sound System (OSSv3) for providing device drivers for sound cards. Besides the sound device drivers, ALSA also bundles a user space library for application developers who want to use driver features with a higher level API than direct interaction with the kernel drivers.


最后一个节选 – How it works: Linux audio explained

When it comes to modern Linux audio, the beginning is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, or ALSA. This connects to the Linux kernel and provides audio functionality to the rest of the system. But it’s also far more ambitious than a normal kernel driver; it can mix, provide compatibility with other layers, create an API for programmers and work at such a low and stable latency that it can compete with the ASIO and CoreAudio equivalents on the Windows and OS X platforms.


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