
  队列是我们非常常用的数据结构,用来提供数据的写入和读取功能,而且通常在不同线程之间作为数据通信的桥梁。不过在将无锁队列的算法之前,需要先了解一下CAS(compare and swap)的原理。由于多个线程同时操作同一个数据,其中肯定是存在竞争的,那么如何能够针对同一个数据进行操作,而且又不用加锁呢? 这个就需要从底层,CPU层面支持原子修改操作,比如在X86的计算机平台,提供了XCHG指令,能够原子的交互数值。


  1. lockless queue,enqueue,dequeue操作的算法

  (1) enqueue算法:



  (2) dequeue算法



  2. ABA问题,及解决办法


  那么首先什么是ABA问题呢? wiki上有这样一个说明的例子:

  Natalie is waiting in her car at a red traffic light with her children. Her children start fighting with each other while waiting, and she leans back to scold them. Once their fighting stops, Natalie checks the light again and notices that it's still red. However, while she was focusing on her children, the light had changed to green, and then back again. Natalie doesn't think the light ever changed, but the people waiting behind her are very mad and honking their horns now.





/* Naive lock-free stack which suffers from ABA problem.*/
class Stack {
std::atomic<Obj*> top_ptr;
// Pops the top object and returns a pointer to it.
Obj* Pop() {
while() {
Obj* ret_ptr = top_ptr;
if (!ret_ptr) return std::nullptr;
// For simplicity, suppose that we can ensure that this dereference is safe
// (i.e., that no other thread has popped the stack in the meantime).
Obj* next_ptr = ret_ptr->next;
// If the top node is still ret, then assume no one has changed the stack.
// (That statement is not always true because of the ABA problem)
// Atomically replace top with next.
if (top_ptr.compare_exchange_weak(ret_ptr, next_ptr)) {
return ret_ptr;
// The stack has changed, start over.
// Pushes the object specified by obj_ptr to stack.
void Push(Obj* obj_ptr) {
while() {
Obj* next_ptr = top_ptr;
obj_ptr->next = next_ptr;
// If the top node is still next, then assume no one has changed the stack.
// (That statement is not always true because of the ABA problem)
// Atomically replace top with obj.
if (top_ptr.compare_exchange_weak(next_ptr, obj_ptr)) {
// The stack has changed, start over.

  假设,stack初始化为top → A → B → C


ret = A;
next = B;


{ // 线程2先pop出A
ret = A;
next = B;
compare_exchange_weak(A, B) // Success, top = B
return A;
} // Now the stack is top → B → C
{ // 线程2再pop出B
ret = B;
next = C;
compare_exchange_weak(B, C) // Success, top = C
return B;
} // Now the stack is top → C
delete B;
{ // 最后线程2将A再push进stack
A->next = C;
compare_exchange_weak(C, A) // Success, top = A



上一篇:struts2 action 页面跳转
