NGUI Tutorial 3

一、 Create a Button

   一、(Menu)NGUI -> Create -> Sprite

  NGUI Tutorial 3

二、attach box colider to the Sprite , then attach UIButton Script

NGUI Tutorial 3

三、Create - >Lable as Sprite's Child, Set it's Ahchors to it's Parent

(注意:不要给Lable添加box colider 这样Sprite按钮就接受不到事件了,因为Lable 的Depth 大于 Sprite)

NGUI Tutorial 3

四、Sprite attach UIButton Script Again ,set target as Lable

五、Hover the button ,you will seen Sprite and Lable all highlight.

NGUI Tutorial 3

二、Event Trigger -> Use Button Change

一、create a spirte ,which will be changed by button

NGUI Tutorial 3

  二、attach Tween Height and Tween Width ,set valuse like that

  (注意,set two scripts active  false ,这样就不会一开始就变换形状了)

NGUI Tutorial 3

三、attach UIEvent Trigger to button,set event to change sprite,like that

NGUI Tutorial 3

  四、now  show the result

Hover:  Change Size

   NGUI Tutorial 3

Leave : Noraml Size

NGUI Tutorial 3



  一、Attach UIKeyBinding Script to button

  NGUI Tutorial 3

  二、Attach Test Scrpit to Sprite

  NGUI Tutorial 3

  三、Set OnClick Event Notify Object reference to Sprite

NGUI Tutorial 3

四、Now , you can enter 1,2,3 to change sprite color.

NGUI Tutorial 3

OfSourse you can alse 使用键盘来控制 UIInput

liket that

  NGUI Tutorial 3


  你也可以使用UIKeyNavigation ——附加这个脚步到你的控制上去允许使用键盘或控制器来定位UI(3.5.5新增)

上一篇:UGUI 快捷键创建UGUI组件
