<%-- Author: LWQ Description: 生成LOG表的存储过程 --%> <%@ CodeTemplate Language="C#" TargetLanguage="T-SQL" Description="生成Insert存储过程." ResponseEncoding="UTF-8" %> <%--加载使用访问数据库的组件SchemaExplorer,并声明其使用的命名空间。--%> <%@ Assembly Name="SchemaExplorer" %> <%@ Import Namespace="SchemaExplorer" %> <%--定义一个存储表名称使用的变量,然后指明这个变量类型为数据库中的表--%> <%@ Property Name="SourceTable" Type="SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" Category="Context" Description="要生成的表" %> <%@ Property Name="LogTable" Type="SchemaExplorer.TableSchema" Category="Context" Description="日志表" %> <%@ Property Name="DBName" Type="String" Category="New" Optional="True" Description="数据库名称" %> <%@ Property Name="ProcName" Type="String" Category="New" Optional="True" Description="存储过程名称" %> <%@ Import Namespace="System.Text.RegularExpressions" %> <% //设置存储过程名称 this.ProcName="dbo.Insert"+ SourceTable.Name +"AndSetLog"; this.DBName = SourceTable.Database.Name; %> /* * 利用CodeSmith生成。模板名:CreateLogStoredProcedure.cst。 * $Date: <%= DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() %> * $Author: <%= Environment.UserName %> * */ GO USE <%= DBName %> GO --如果存在,则删除 IF OBJECT_ID('<%= ProcName %>') IS NOT NULL DROP PROCEDURE <%= ProcName %> GO CREATE PROCEDURE <%= ProcName %> <%-- 设置参数--%> <% int ignoreColumns=0; %> <% for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++) { %> <%if(!((bool)SourceTable.Columns[i].ExtendedProperties["CS_IsIdentity"].Value) && SourceTable.Columns[i].Name.ToLower()!="defaultflag") {%> <%= GetSqlParameterStatement(SourceTable.Columns[i]) %> <% if (i < SourceTable.Columns.Count - 1-ignoreColumns) { %> , <% } %> <% }else{ignoreColumns++;}%> <% } %> <%-- 如果日志表存在ChangeType,则添加该参数--%> <% if(LogTable.Columns.Contains("ChangeType")){ %> <%= ","+ GetSqlParameterStatement(LogTable.Columns["ChangeType"]) %> <% }%> AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON; BEGIN TRANSACTION DECLARE @errorSun INT SET @errorSun=0 --更新<%=SourceTable.Name %>表状态为0 <%-- 如果原表存在DefaulFlag,则更新所有表的DefaulFlag状态为0--%> <% if(SourceTable.Columns.Contains("DefaultFlag")){ %> Update <%=SourceTable.Name %> Set [DefaulFlag]=0 Where <%=SourceTable.Columns.Contains("ShopID")?"ShopID=@ShopID And ":string.Empty %><%=SourceTable.Columns.Contains("ObjectID")?"ObjectID=@ObjectID And ":string.Empty %> <% }%> SET @errorSun=@errorSun+@@ERROR --向<%=SourceTable.Name %>表插入数据,DefaultFlag设置为1 INSERT INTO [<%= SourceTable.Name %>] ( <% for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++) { %> <%-- 判断是否标识列,如果是,则不输出列名--%> <%if(!((bool)SourceTable.Columns[i].ExtendedProperties["CS_IsIdentity"].Value)) {%> [<%=SourceTable.Columns[i].Name %>] <% if (i < SourceTable.Columns.Count - ignoreColumns) { %>,<% } %> <% } %> <% }%> ) VALUES ( <% for (int i = 0; i < SourceTable.Columns.Count; i++) { %> <% if(SourceTable.Columns[i].Name.ToLower()=="defaultflag") { %> <%= "1"%> <% if (i < LogTable.Columns.Count - 1-ignoreColumns) { %>,<% } %> <% continue; }%> <%if(!((bool)SourceTable.Columns[i].ExtendedProperties["CS_IsIdentity"].Value)) {%> <%= "@"+ SourceTable.Columns[i].Name%> <% if (i < SourceTable.Columns.Count - 1-ignoreColumns) { %>,<% } %> <% }%> <% } %> ) SET @errorSun=@errorSun+@@ERROR <% int ignoreColumnsForLog=0; %> --向<%=LogTable.Name %>表插入数据,DefaultFlag设置为0 INSERT INTO [<%= LogTable.Name %>] ( <% for (int i = 0; i < LogTable.Columns.Count; i++) { %> <%-- 判断是否标识列,如果是,则不输出列名--%> <%if(!((bool)LogTable.Columns[i].ExtendedProperties["CS_IsIdentity"].Value)) {%> [<%=LogTable.Columns[i].Name %>] <% if (i < LogTable.Columns.Count - 1 - ignoreColumnsForLog) { %>,<% } %> <% }else {ignoreColumnsForLog++;} %> <% }%> ) VALUES ( <% for (int i = 0; i < LogTable.Columns.Count; i++) { %> <%if(!((bool)LogTable.Columns[i].ExtendedProperties["CS_IsIdentity"].Value)) {%> <% if(LogTable.Columns[i].Name.ToLower()=="defaultflag") { %> <%= "0"%> <% if (i < LogTable.Columns.Count - 1-ignoreColumnsForLog) { %>,<% } %> <% continue; }%> <%= "@"+ LogTable.Columns[i].Name%> <% if (i < LogTable.Columns.Count - 1-ignoreColumnsForLog) { %>,<% } %> <% }%> <% } %> ) SET @errorSun=@errorSun+@@ERROR IF @errorSun<>0 BEGIN ROLLBACK TRANSACTION END ELSE BEGIN COMMIT TRANSACTION END END <script runat="template"> public string GetSqlParameterStatement(ColumnSchema column) { string param = "@" + column.Name + " " + column.NativeType; switch (column.DataType) { case DbType.Decimal: { param += "(" + column.Precision + ", " + column.Scale + ")"; break; } default: { if (column.Size > 0) { param += "(" + column.Size + ")"; } break; } } return param; } </script>