Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码

For a discrete memoryless channel Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码, the capacity is defined as

Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码

where Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码 and Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码 denote the input and output variables of the channel respectively, and the maximization is taken over all input distributions Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码.

Given a channel transition matrix whose Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码-entry is the conditional probability Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码, the Blahut-Arimoto algorithm computes the capacity of the discrete memoryless channel, and the input distribution Blahut-Arimoto algorithm Matlab源码 that attains the maximum.

Reference: Chapter 9 in the book Information Theory and Network Coding by Raymond Yeung.

function [C r] = BlahutArimoto(p)


% Capacity of discrete memoryless channel
% Blahut-Arimoto algorithm % Input
% p: m x n matrix
% p is the transition matrix for a channel with m inputs and n outputs
% The input matrix p should contain no zero row and no zero column.
% p(i,j) is the condition probability that the channel output
% is j given that the input is i
% (i=1,2,...,m and j = 1,2,...,n)
% Output
% capacity : capacity in bits
% r: channel input distribution which achieves capacity
% % For example, the transition matrix for the erasure channel is
% can be calculated as
% e = 0.5;
% p = [1-e e 0; 0 e 1-e]; % conditional prob. for erasure channel
% The capacity can be calculated by BlahutArimoto(p), and is equal to 1-e
% % Check that the entries of input matrix p are non-negative
if ~isempty(find(p < 0))
disp('Error: some entry in the input matrix is negative')
C = 0; return;
end % Check that the input matrix p does not have zero column
column_sum = sum(p);
if ~isempty(find(column_sum == 0))
disp('Error: there is a zero column in the input matrix');
C = 0; return;
end % Check that the input matrix p does not have zero row
row_sum = sum(p,2);
if ~isempty(find(row_sum == 0))
disp('Error: there is a zero row in the input matrix');
C = 0; return;
p = diag(sum(p,2))^(-1) * p; % Make sure that the row sums are 1
end [m n] = size(p); r = ones(1,m)/m; % initial distribution for channel input
q = zeros(m,n);
error_tolerance = 1e-5/m;
r1 = [];
for i = 1:m
p(i,:) = p(i,:)/sum(p(i,:));
for iter = 1:10000
for j = 1:n
q(:,j) = r'.*p(:,j);
q(:,j) = q(:,j)/sum(q(:,j));
end for i = 1:m
r1(i) = prod(q(i,:).^p(i,:));
end r1 = r1/sum(r1);
if norm(r1 - r) < error_tolerance
r = r1;
end C = 0;
for i = 1:m
for j = 1:n
if r(i) > 0 && q(i,j) > 0
C = C+ r(i)*p(i,j)* log(q(i,j)/r(i));
end C = C/log(2); % Capacity in bits
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