如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中 原创

授权Network Service 帐户访问证书文件.
Install Service
安装WCF 服务
1.Import a server certification:

如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创
Start=>Run mmc

如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创
File=>Add/Remove Snap-in

如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创
Certifications=>Add=>Computer Account
选择 证书=>添加=>计算机帐户
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创

Right click on certification: All Task=>Import
Select the certification. Example: Create a test certification use MakeCert suppose server name is “dev01”
Start=>Programs=>Microsoft visual studio 2008=>visual studio tools=>visual studio command prompt (Right click run as administrator)
Run makecert.exe -sr LocalMachine -ss MY -a sha1 -n CN= dev01 -sky exchange –pe
(open mmc to see the certification)
2.Grant read purview to NETWORK SERVICE use FindPrivatekey tool to find the private key file store location of the certification imported just now.
For example (FindPrivatekey.exe in C:\) Open command prompt with administrator
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创
From the picture above we can see that the private key file is in
F:\ProgramData\MicroSoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\ 1817c10fb6f21ea57a247b8d31ee9a0e_b0b895a9-b6c9-4147-a32c-d3e1c1659fa5 Open this folder:
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创

Right click =>Properties=>Security=>Edit=>Add=>Advanced=>Find Now=>
Select NETWORK SERVIE =>Ok=>Uncheck Read & Execute => Ok
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创

Notice: You can run a command instead of this action:
In Server 2008: ICacls F:\ProgramData\MicroSoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys\1817c10fb6f21ea57a247b8d 31ee9a0e_b0b895a9-b6c9-4147-a32c-d3e1c1659fa5 /grant "NETWORK SERVICE":(R,WDAC)
In Server 2003: cacls.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\ RSA\MachineKeys\1817c10fb6f21ea57a247b8d\31ee9a0e_b0b895a9-b6c9-4147-a32c-d3e1c1659fa5 " /E /G "NETWORK SERVICE":R
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创
In Server 2003: cacls.exe "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\ RSA\MachineKeys\1817c10fb6f21ea57a247b8d\31ee9a0e_b0b895a9-b6c9-4147-a32c-d3e1c1659fa5 " /E /G "NETWORK SERVICE":R
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创
3:Install Service In Windows service Run Command prompt with administrator: Go to the install directory of dotnet framework For Example: The service host application is in C:\PlexusChartService\PlexusChartServiceHost.exe Run InstallUtil “C:\PlexusChartService\PlexusChartServiceHost.exe”
如何让带证书的WCF服务 部署在以network service 帐户运行的Windows Service中  原创

Now.It is run in network service account. Notice: Do not double click the certification to import the certification, In that case ,the private key file will be in the login user(administrator)’s folder.


