OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)

OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)


    1. OpenStack提供IaaS(基础设施即服务)服务,它是开源的云计算平台。(个人理解:将多台硬件设备虚拟化成一个池,然后在池子里放虚拟机,放存储(对象和块)集群,所有整合一起提供云计算基础服务,会想到VMWARE的ESX(i))
    2. 通常OpenStack是由许多硬件节点组合而成的,包括控制节点Controller,计算节点Compute,网络节点Network,块存储节点ceph,对象存储节点swift等。
    3. 组件服务名词(红色部分为必要服务组件)

Service Project Name Description
Dashboard Horizon Provides a web-based self-service portal to interact
with underlying OpenStack services, such as launching an instance,
assigning IP addresses and configuring access controls.
Compute service Nova Manages the lifecycle of compute instances in an
OpenStack environment. Responsibilities include spawning, scheduling and
decommissioning of virtual machines on demand.
Networking service Neutron Enables Network-Connectivity-as-a-Service for other
OpenStack services, such as OpenStack Compute. Provides an API for users
to define networks and the attachments into them. Has a pluggable
architecture that supports many popular networking vendors and
Object Storage service Swift Stores and retrieves arbitrary unstructured data
objects via a RESTful, HTTP based API. It is highly fault tolerant with
its data replication and scale-out architecture. Its implementation is
not like a file server with mountable directories. In this case, it
writes objects and files to multiple drives, ensuring the data is
replicated across a server cluster.
Block Storage service Cinder Provides persistent block storage to running
instances. Its pluggable driver architecture facilitates the creation
and management of block storage devices.
Identity service Keystone Provides an authentication and authorization service
for other OpenStack services. Provides a catalog of endpoints for all
OpenStack services.
Image service Glance Stores and retrieves virtual machine disk images. OpenStack Compute makes use of this during instance provisioning.
Telemetry service Ceilometer Monitors and meters the OpenStack cloud for billing, benchmarking, scalability, and statistical purposes.
Orchestration service Heat Orchestrates multiple composite cloud applications by
using either the native HOT template format or the AWS CloudFormation
template format, through both an OpenStack-native REST API and a
CloudFormation-compatible Query API.
Database service Trove Provides scalable and reliable Cloud
Database-as-a-Service functionality for both relational and
non-relational database engines.
Data Processing service Sahara Provides capabilities to provision and scale Hadoop
clusters in OpenStack by specifying parameters like Hadoop version,
cluster topology and nodes hardware details.

Restful API来获取host主机信息,列出instance的代码实例。





    OpenStack all-in-one模式会将OpenStack的控制节点、计算节点和网络节点同时安装在一个机器上。这种模式可以快速配置,非常方便用于测试和开发。
    接下来我们会使用RDO repository来安装OpenStack

    请将虚拟机内存设置为>=8GB,安装过程中对内存的消耗比较大,当小于这个内存时,安装会失败,报错为:fork() failing with Out of memory (一般会在已经花费了半个多小时,安装快要结束时报这个错,会让人很奔溃)。
    网络:能surf the Internet(因为安装过程会从RDO repository下载按照包)

    安装前,先看看当前的网络和系统信息(CentOS 7没有ifconfig,使用ip命令替代,若要使用ifconfig,需要安装:yum install net-tools.x86_64)
    OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
    1、 更新系统
    1.1 命令行:yum update
    OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
    1.2 修改hostname(可选)

    (1)命令行:hostnamectl set-hostname controller-node
      # localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
      #::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6      controller-node
      ::1             controller-node
    OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
    2、 安装RDO库
       安装前的yum repository:
       OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
       运行命令:yum install
       安装后的yum repository,多了RDO的三个库:
       OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
    3、 安装packstack(自动化的OpenStack安装程序)
       命令行:yum install openstack-packstack
    4、 关掉NetworkManager并disable掉,防止这个服务更改我们的网络配置。
       systemctl stop NetworkManager && systemctl disable NetworkManager

        setenforce 0
        systemctl stop firewalld&& systemctl disable firewalld
    5、 运行packstack开始自动化安装
file模式,直接google:RDO packstack answer file
       安装命令:packstack –allinone –provision-demo=n

       整个安装过程可能会花费一个小时左右,这取决于你这台机器的配置。并且中途会到repository下载安装包,所以这个机器surf the Internet的速度也会大大影响安装时间。
       OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
       OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
       登录后可以看到默认存在的project admin
       OpenStack 初探(一) -- All-In-One模式部署(初学OpenStack必备)
node的机器信息,可以查看所有project launch的instance等,而其他非admin的project是无法查看compute
API的测试会通过admin来进行,当使用非admin的project时,会报错:ERROR: Policy doesn’t allow
os_compute_api:os-hypervisors to be performed. (HTTP 403)。

上一篇:2078 Problem H Secret Message 中石油-未提交-->已提交

下一篇:解决虚拟机中使用ntpdate报错:ntpdate[46700]: no server suitable for synchronization found