Android 开发 知晓各种id信息 获取线程ID、activityID、内核ID

* Returns the identifier of this process's user.
* 返回此进程的用户的标识符。
Log.e(TAG, "Process.myUid() = " + android.os.Process.myTid()); /**
* Returns the identifier of this process, which can be used with
* killProcess and sendSignal.
* 返回此进程的标识符,可用于进程和发送信号。
Log.e(TAG, "Process.myPid() = " + android.os.Process.myPid()); /**
* Returns the identifier of the calling thread, which be used with
* setThreadPriority(int, int).
* 返回调用线程的标识符,该标识符与StTeRead优先级(int,int)。
Log.e(TAG, "Process.myTid() = " + android.os.Process.myTid()); /**
* Returns the thread's identifier. The ID is a positive long generated
* on thread creation, is unique to the thread, and doesn't change
* during the lifetime of the thread; the ID may be reused after the
* thread has been terminated.
* 返回线程的标识符。ID是正长生成的关于线程创建,对于线程是唯一的,并且不会改变。
* 在线程的生存期内,ID可以在线程已被终止。
*/ //返回当前线程的id
Log.e(TAG, "Thread.currentThread().getId() = "
+ Thread.currentThread().getId());
Log.e(TAG, "getMainLooper().getThread().getId() = "
+ getMainLooper().getThread().getId()); //返回当前应用的主线程id
"((getApplication().getMainLooper()).getThread()).getId() = "
+ ((getApplication().getMainLooper()).getThread())
.getId()); /**
* Return the identifier of the task this activity is in. This
* identifier will remain the same for the lifetime of the activity.
* 返回此活动正在执行的任务的标识符。这个标识符对于活动的生存期将保持不变。
Log.e(TAG, "getTaskId() = " + getTaskId()); /**
* The kernel user-ID that has been assigned to this application;
* currently this is not a unique ID (multiple applications can have the
* same uid).
* 已分配给该应用程序的内核用户ID;这不是一个唯一的ID(多个应用程序可以有相同的UID)。
Log.e(TAG, "getApplicationInfo().uid = " + getApplicationInfo().uid); /**
* The name of the process this application should run in. From the
* "process" attribute or, if not set, the same as packageName.
* 此应用程序应运行的进程的名称。从“进程”属性,或如果没有设置,与PACKAGEName相同。
Log.e(TAG, "getApplicationInfo().processName = "
+ getApplicationInfo().processName); /**
* 得到当前activity的信息
Log.e(TAG, "Activity.toString:"+this.toString()); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override
public void run() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Log.e(TAG, "Thread.currentThread().getId() = "
+ Thread.currentThread().getId());


2018-08-28 15:00:42.887 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: Process.myUid() = 29813
2018-08-28 15:00:42.887 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: Process.myPid() = 29813
2018-08-28 15:00:42.887 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: Process.myTid() = 29813
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: Thread.currentThread().getId() = 1
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: getMainLooper().getThread().getId() = 1
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: ((getApplication().getMainLooper()).getThread()).getId() = 1
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: getTaskId() = 113
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: getApplicationInfo().uid = 10085
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: getApplicationInfo().processName = com.example.user.demo
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29813/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: Activity.toString:com.example.user.demo.EventBusDemoActivity$1@d500b7a
2018-08-28 15:00:42.888 29813-29832/com.example.user.demo E/EventBusDemoActivity: Thread.currentThread().getId() = 885
上一篇:iOS 那些年我们遇到的坑
