Name |
Course |
Grade |
Alex |
English |
80 |
Alex |
Chinese |
70 |
Alex |
Japanese |
85 |
Bob |
English |
75 |
Bob |
Chinese |
85 |
Bob |
Japanese |
80 |
Name |
English |
Chinese |
Japanese |
Alex |
80 |
70 |
85 |
Bob |
75 |
85 |
80 |
Chris |
90 |
70 |
60 |
A -> B
select Name,
SUM(case Course when 'English' then Grade else end) as English,
SUM(case Course when 'Chinese' then Grade else end) as Chinese,
SUM(case Course when 'Japanese' then Grade else end) as Japanese
from TranscriptA
group by Name
B -> A
select Name,'English' AS Course,English AS Grade from TranscriptB
union all
select Name,'Chinese' AS Course,Chinese AS Grade from TranscriptB
union all
select Name,'Japanese' AS Course,Japanese AS Grade from TranscriptB
order by Name,Course desc;
select distinct name from table where name not in (select distinct name from table where chengji <= ) select name from table group by name having min(chengji)>
select a.name, b.name from team a, team b where a.name< b.name
Year |
Salary |
2010 |
1000 |
2011 |
1500 |
2012 |
2000 |
2013 |
2500 |
Year |
Salary |
2010 |
1000 |
2011 |
2500 |
2012 |
4500 |
2013 |
7000 |
A -> B
select b.Year, sum(a.Salary) AccSalary from TA a, TA b
where a.Year <= b.Year
group by b.Year select a.year, (select sum(b.Salary) from TA b
where b.Year <= a.year) AccSalary
from TA a
To be continue...