

<td style="padding-top: 16px; padding-left: 36px;">
<input type="file" id="inputFile" runat="server" size="50" style="width: 100%"
contenteditable="false" name="inputFile" tabindex="60" />
<td style="padding-top: 16px;">
<table width="52" style="height: 36px; background-image: url(../images/but_d1.gif)"
border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="z3">
<asp:Button ID="btnOrderImport" runat="server" Text=""
OnClientClick="return checkImport()" TabIndex="50" />

Protected Sub btnOrderImport_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnOrderImport.Click
Dim ack As HuiLeCardInOut = New HuiLeCardInOut()
Dim message As String = Me.DoImport()
Me.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>alert('" & message & "')</script>"))
If message = MCO003.getNameByResID(MCO005.IMSG004) Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Me.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>alert('" & MCO003.getNameByResID(MCO005.IMSG010) & "')</script>"))
End Try
End Sub

Private Function DoImport() As String
Dim excel As Object
Dim workbook As Object
Dim worksheet As Object
Dim objExcelType As Type
Dim message As String = String.Empty
Dim filePathName As String = CommonFunction.Const_UPLOAD_PATH & "\" & GetUploadFile()
objExcelType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Excel.Application", True)
excel = System.Activator.CreateInstance(objExcelType)
workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open(filePathName)
worksheet = workbook.Sheets(1)
Dim maxRow As Integer = worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count()
Dim maxColumn As Integer = worksheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer

Dim stockID_row_col As String = String.Empty
Dim goodsID_row_col As String = String.Empty
Dim storeID_row_col As String = String.Empty
Dim companyID_row_col As String = String.Empty

Dim specID1_row_col As String = String.Empty
Dim specID2_row_col As String = String.Empty

Dim initalStockNum_row_col As String = String.Empty
Dim remainingStockNum_row_col As String = String.Empty
Dim goodsPrice_row_col As String = String.Empty

Dim exitFlag As Integer = 0


For i = 1 To maxRow
For j = 1 To maxColumn
If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号一" Then
stockID_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If
If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号二" Then
goodsID_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If
If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号三" Then
storeID_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If

If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号四" Then
companyID_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If

If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号五" Then
specID1_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If

If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号六" Then
specID2_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If

If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号七" Then
initalStockNum_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If
If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号八" Then
remainingStockNum_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If
If Not worksheet.Cells(i, j).value Is Nothing AndAlso worksheet.Cells(i, j).value.ToString = "编号九" Then
goodsPrice_row_col = i.ToString + "," + j.ToString
End If

If stockID_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso goodsID_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso storeID_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso companyID_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso specID1_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso specID2_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso initalStockNum_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso remainingStockNum_row_col <> String.Empty AndAlso goodsPrice_row_col <> String.Empty Then
exitFlag = 1
Exit For
End If
If exitFlag = 1 Then
Exit For
End If

If stockID_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号一]列!"
End If

If goodsID_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号二]列!"
End If
If storeID_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号三]列!"
End If

If companyID_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号四]列!"
End If

If specID1_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号五]列!"
End If

If specID2_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号六]列!"
End If

If initalStockNum_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号七]列!"
End If
If remainingStockNum_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号八]列!"
End If
If goodsPrice_row_col = String.Empty Then
message += "\r\n没有找到[编号九]列!"
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(message) Then
Return message
End If

Dim stockID_row As Integer = Val(stockID_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim stockID_col As Integer = Val(stockID_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim goodsID_row As Integer = Val(goodsID_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim goodsID_col As Integer = Val(goodsID_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim storeID_row As Integer = Val(storeID_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim storeID_col As Integer = Val(storeID_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim companyID_row As Integer = Val(companyID_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim companyID_col As Integer = Val(companyID_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim specID1_row As Integer = Val(specID1_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim specID1_col As Integer = Val(specID1_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim specID2_row As Integer = Val(specID2_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim specID2_col As Integer = Val(specID2_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim initalStockNum_row As Integer = Val(initalStockNum_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim initalStockNum_col As Integer = Val(initalStockNum_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim remainingStockNum_row As Integer = Val(remainingStockNum_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim remainingStockNum_col As Integer = Val(remainingStockNum_row_col.Split(",")(1))

Dim goodsPrice_row As Integer = Val(goodsPrice_row_col.Split(",")(0))
Dim goodsPrice_col As Integer = Val(goodsPrice_row_col.Split(",")(1))

If stockID_row = goodsID_row AndAlso goodsID_row = storeID_row AndAlso storeID_row = companyID_row AndAlso companyID_row = specID1_row AndAlso specID1_row = specID2_row AndAlso specID2_row = initalStockNum_row AndAlso initalStockNum_row = remainingStockNum_row AndAlso remainingStockNum_row = goodsPrice_row Then
Return message = "[库存编号]列、[商品编号]列、[所属店铺编号]列、[经销商编号]列、[规格一编号]列、[规格二编号]列、[初始库存]列、[剩余库存]列和[商品定价]列不在同一行!"
End If

Dim goodsStockList As New ArrayList
For i = stockID_col + 3 To maxRow
Dim goodsStockInfo As GoodsStockInOut = New GoodsStockInOut

With goodsStockInfo

If worksheet.Cells(i, stockID_col).value Is Nothing Then
.StockID = ""
.StockID = worksheet.Cells(i, stockID_col).value.ToString
End If

If worksheet.Cells(i, goodsID_col).value Is Nothing Then
.GoodsId = ""
.GoodsId = worksheet.Cells(i, goodsID_col).value.ToString
End If

If worksheet.Cells(i, storeID_col).value Is Nothing Then
.StoreId = ""
.StoreId = worksheet.Cells(i, storeID_col).value.ToString
End If

If worksheet.Cells(i, companyID_col).value Is Nothing Then
.CompanyID = ""
.CompanyID = worksheet.Cells(i, companyID_col).value.ToString
End If

If worksheet.Cells(i, specID1_col).value Is Nothing Then
.SpecID1 = ""
.SpecID1 = worksheet.Cells(i, specID1_col).value.ToString
End If

If worksheet.Cells(i, specID2_col).value Is Nothing Then
.SpecID2 = ""
.SpecID2 = worksheet.Cells(i, specID2_col).value.ToString
End If

If worksheet.Cells(i, initalStockNum_col).value Is Nothing Then
.InitalStockNum = 0
.InitalStockNum = MCO001.DBNULL2Int(worksheet.Cells(i, initalStockNum_col).value.ToString)
End If
If worksheet.Cells(i, remainingStockNum_col).value Is Nothing Then
.RemainingStockNum = 0
.RemainingStockNum = MCO001.DBNULL2Int(worksheet.Cells(i, remainingStockNum_col).value.ToString)
End If
If worksheet.Cells(i, goodsPrice_col).value Is Nothing Then
.GoodsPrice = 0
.GoodsPrice = MCO001.DBNULL2Double(worksheet.Cells(i, goodsPrice_col).value.ToString)
End If

If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(.StockID) Then
message = CheckStockID(.StockID, message, i)
End If
End With
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(goodsStockInfo.StockID) Then
End If


If String.IsNullOrEmpty(message) Then
Dim flag As Integer = APICurrent.API.Dynamic.Trade.UpdateStockInfo(goodsStockList)
If flag = 1 Then
message = MCO003.getNameByResID(MCO005.IMSG004)
message = MCO003.getNameByResID(MCO005.IMSG010)
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
worksheet = Nothing
workbook = Nothing
excel = Nothing
End Try
Return message
End Function

Private Function GetUploadFile() As String
Dim filename As String
Dim tempPath As String = CommonFunction.Const_UPLOAD_PATH



Dim contentType As String = inputFile.PostedFile.ContentType
filename = GetShortFileName(inputFile.PostedFile.FileName)
Me.inputFile.PostedFile.SaveAs(tempPath & "\" & filename)
'Me.hidinputFile.Value = tempPath & "\" & filename
Return filename

End Function

Private Function GetShortFileName(ByVal strLongFileName As String) As String
Dim strShortFileName = strLongFileName.Substring(strLongFileName.LastIndexOf("\") + 1)
Return strShortFileName
End Function

Private Function CheckStockID(ByVal stockID As String, ByVal message As String, ByVal row As Integer) As String
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(stockID) Then
message = message + "\r\n第" + row.ToString + "行库存编号为空!"
Dim stockDt As GoodsStockMstField = APICurrent.API.Dynamic.Trade.searchGoodsStockInfoByPK(stockID)
If stockDt.Rows.Count < 1 Then
message = message + "\r\n第" + row.ToString + "行库存编号不存在!"
End If
End If
Return message
End Function


function checkImport() {
if (event.srcElement.id == MainContent + "btnOrderImport") {
var inputFile = document.getElementById(MainContent + "inputFile");
var strValue = $.trim(inputFile.value)
if (strValue.length == 0) {
return false;
} else {
var postfixArray = strValue.toString().split(".");
var postfixStr = postfixArray[postfixArray.length - 1];
if (postfixStr != "xls" && postfixStr != "xlsx") {
return false;
return true;
return true;

上一篇:webapck 速度优化策略
