解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error

解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error
(我用的是阿里云,这个错误的意思就是 :不会尝试使用SASL进行身份验证, 也就是远程连接出错, 无法在zookeeper中进行注册. 问题的关键 ,安全连接问题 )


  1. 进入ecs后台,找到实例如下图所示进入安全组配置
    解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error

2.点击配置规则解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error
解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error
解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error(不懂配置的话尽量选择全部)

4.将ecs服务器的的etc/hosts的下面这行删除(这里我之前进行了删除,我用框框给读者示意) iZ8ee7x2aeowssZ iZ8ee7x2aeowssZ
解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error
解决zookeeper项目连接ECS的linux服务器 Zookeeper 错误 Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error

上一篇:cmder使用中出现问题:attempt to call a nil value

下一篇:codeaction.lua:132: attempt to index local ‘action‘ (a number value)