linux测试工程介绍(Linux Test Project)

Linux Test Project, 后台很硬,由SGI™ 发起, IBM维护,所以质量有保障。


可以根据自己工程的需求,自己定制修改,本人由于工作原因阅读了(lmbench:lmdd , dbench 文件系统方面的测试),觉得非常不错


下面是介绍的测试工具矩阵(Test Tool Matrix

HINT allows fair comparisons over extreme variations in computer architecture, absolute performance, storage capacity, and precision.  It's listed as a Past Projectwith a link to but I have not been able to find where it is being maintained. If you know, please drop me a note. 

Code Coverage Analysis

gcov Code analysis tool for profiling code and determining: 1) how often each line of code executes, 2) what lines of code are actually executed, 3.) how much computing time each section of codeuses    
lcov LCOV is an extension of GCOV, a GNU tool which provides information about what parts of a program are actually executed (i.e. "covered") while running a particular test case. The extension provides HTML output and support for large projects.   


DOTS Database Opensource Test Suite   
dbgrinder perl script to inflict stress on a mysql server   
OSDL Database Testsuite OSDL Database Testsuite   


Dynamic Probes Dynamic Probes is a generic and pervasive debugging facility.   
Kernel Debug (KDB) KDB is an interactive debugger built into the Linux kernel. It allows the user to examine kernel memory, disassembled code and registers.   
Linux Kernel Crash Dump LKCD project is designed to help detect, save and examine system crashes and crash info.   
Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT) The Linux Trace Toolkit is a fully-featured tracing system for the Linux kernel.   

Defect Tracking

Bugzilla allows individuals or groups of developers to keep track of outstanding bugs in their product effectively   

Desktop/GUI Libraries

Android open source testing tool for GUI programs   
ldtp GNU/Linux Desktop Testing Project  

Event Logging

included tests Various tests are included in the tarball   


Bonnie Bonnie++ is test suite, which performs several hard drive/ filesystem tests.   
dbench Filesystem benchmark that generates good filesystem load   
fs_inode Part of the LTP: This test creates several subdirectories and files off of two parent directories and removes directories and files as part of the test.   
fs_maim Part of the LTP: a set of scripts to test and stress filesystem and storage management utilities   
IOZone Filesystem benchmark tool (read, write, re-read, re-write, read backwards, read strided, fread, fwrite, random read, pread, aio_read, aio_write)   
lftest Part of the LTP:lftest is a tool/test designed to create large files and lseek from the beginning of the file to the end of the file after each block write. This test verifies large file support and can be used to generate large files for other filesystem tests.  Files up to 2Tb have been created using this tool. This test is VERY picky about glibc version. 
LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features.   
PostMark Filesystem benchmark that simulates load generated by enterprise applications such as email, news and web-based commerce.   
stress puts the system under a specified amount of load   
mongo set of the programs to test linux filesystems for performance and functionality   
fsx File system exerciser from Apple.  The test is most effective if you let it run for a minute or two, so that it overlaps the periodic sync that most Unix systems do. 
xdd Storage I/O Performance Characterization tool that runs on most UNIX-like systems and Windows. Has been around since 1992 and is in use at various government labs.


Cerberus The Cerberus Test Control System(CTCS) is a free (freedom) test suite for use by developers and others to test hardware. It generates good filesystem stress in the process.   
STAF The Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF) is an open source framework designed to improvethe level of reuse and automation in test cases and test environments.    

I/O & Storage

tiobench Portable, robust, fully-threaded I/O benchmark program   
xdd Storage I/O Performance Characterization tool that runs on most UNIX-like systems and Windows. Has been around since 1992 and is in use at various government labs.

Kernel System Calls

crashme a tool for testing the robustness of an operating environment using a technique of "Random Input" response analysis   
LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features.   


Connectathon NFS Testsuite This testsuite tests the NFS Protocol   
ISIC ISIC is a suite of utilities to exercise the stability of an IP Stack and its component stacks   
LTP The Linux Test Project has a collection of tools for testing the network components of the Linux kernel.   
netperf Netperf is a benchmark that can be used to measure the performance of many different types of networking.   
NetPIPE Variable time bench mark, ie, it measures network performance using variable sized communiation transfers   
TAHI Providesinteroperability and conformance tests for IPv6   
VolanoMark A java chatroom benchmark/stress   
UNH IPv6 Tests there are several IPv6 tests on this site   
Iperf for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance   

Network Security

Kerberos Test suite These tests are for testing Kerberos clients (kinit,klist and kdestroy) and Kerberized Applications, ftp and telnet.   


cpuburn This program was designed by Robert Redelmeier to heavily loadCPU chips.   


contest test system responsiveness by running kernel compilation under anumber of different load conditions   
glibench/clibench benchmarking tool to check your computer CPU and hard disk performance   
lmbench Suite of simple, portable benchmarks   
AIM Benchmark Performance benchmark   
unixbench Performance benchmark based on the early BYTE UNIX Benchmarks  "retired" since about 1997, but still used by some testers 


dbench Used for dcache scalability testing   
Chat Used for file_struct scalability testing   
httperf Used for dcache scalability testing   


LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features.  sched_stress and process_stress 
VolanoMark A java chatroom benchmark/stress  VolanoMark has been used to stress the scheduler. 

SCSI Hardening

Bonnie Bonnie is test suite, which performs several hard drive and filesystem tests.    
LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of toolsfor testing the Linux kernel and related features.  disktest 
dt dt (Data Test) is a generic data test program used to verify proper operation of peripherals, file systems, device drivers, or any data stream supported by the operating system   


Nessus remote security scanner   


LSB Test suites used for LSB compliance testing   

Stream Controlled Transmission Protocol

LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features.   

System Management

sblim The "SBLIM Reference Implementation (SRI)" is a component of the SBLIM project. Its purposes are (among others): (1) easily set up, run and test systems management scenarios based on CIM/CIMOM technology (2) test CIM Providers (on local and/or remote Linux machines)   


LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features.   
VSTHlite Tests for compliance with IEEE POSIX 1003.1c extensions (pthreads).   


usbstress Sent to us by the folks at   

Version Control

cvs the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system   
BitKeeper BK/Pro is a scalable configuration management system, supporting globally distributed development, disconnected operation, compressed repositories, change sets, and repositories as branches.  Read the licensing info 


vmregress regrssion, testing and benchmark tool   
LTP The Linux Test Project is a collection of tools for testing the Linux kernel and related features.   
memtest86 A thorough real-mode memory tester   
stress puts the system under a specified amount of load   
memtest86+ fork / enhanced version of the memtest86   
memtester Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem   

Web Server

Hammerhead Hammerhead is a web server stress tool that can simulate multiple connections and users.   
httperf httperf is a popular web server benchmark tool for measuring web server performance   
siege Siege is an http regression testing and benchmarking utility.   
PagePoker for loadtesting and benchmarking web servers 

linux测试工程介绍(Linux Test Project)

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