-- Create table
create table sc_class
id VARCHAR2(32) not null,
class_id VARCHAR2(20) not null,
xm VARCHAR2(50) not null,
sfzjhm VARCHAR2(30) not null,
sfzjlx VARCHAR2(5) not null,
kc VARCHAR2(5),
cj VARCHAR2(5),
class_pm VARCHAR2(6),
lrrq DATE,
lrr_dm CHAR(11),
yxbz CHAR(1) not null,
tablespace TS_CLASS_DATA
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
-- Add comments to the table
comment on table sc_class
is '学生信息';
-- Add comments to the columns
comment on column sc_class.id
is 'ID';
comment on column sc_class.class_id
is '班级ID';
comment on column sc_class.xm
is '姓名';
comment on column sc_class.sfzjhm
is '身份证件号码';
comment on column sc_class.sfzjlx
is '身份证件类型';
comment on column sc_class.kc
is '课程';
comment on column sc_class.cj
is '成绩';
comment on column sc_class.class_pm
is '年级排名';
comment on column sc_class.lrrq
is '修改日期';
comment on column sc_class.lrr_dm
is '修改人代码';
comment on column sc_class.yxbz
is '有效标志 Y:是 N:否';
-- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints
alter table sc_class
add constraint PK_CLASSID primary key (ID)
using index
tablespace TS_CLASS_IDX
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
select * from sc_class t where id in (select a.id from sc_class a where rowid in (select max(rowid) from sc_class b where b.yxbz = 'Y' and (b.class_id, b.xm, b.sfzjhm, b.sfzjlx, b.kc) in (select d.class_id, d.xm, d.sfzjhm, d.sfzjlx, d.kc from sc_class d where where d.yxbz = 'Y' group by d.class_id, d.xm, d.sfzjhm, d.sfzjlx, d.kc having count(1) > 1) group by b.class_id, b.xm, b.sfzjhm, b.sfzjlx, b.kc));
select * from tb_supply where rowid=any(select max(rowid) from tb_supply group by phone_id)
select * from tb_supply where rowid in (select max(rowid) from tb_supply group by phone_id)
update sc_class t
set t.yxbz = 'N'
where id in
(select a.id
from sc_class a
where rowid in
(select max(rowid)
from sc_class b
where b.yxbz = 'Y'
and (b.class_id, b.xm, b.sfzjhm, b.sfzjlx, b.kc) in
(select d.class_id, d.xm, d.sfzjhm, d.sfzjlx, d.kc
from sc_class d
where where d.yxbz = 'Y'
group by d.class_id, d.xm, d.sfzjhm, d.sfzjlx, d.kc
having count(1) > 1)
group by b.class_id, b.xm, b.sfzjhm, b.sfzjlx, b.kc));
delete sc_class t
where t.id in
(select a.id
from sc_class a
where rowid in
(select max(rowid)
from sc_class b
where b.yxbz = 'Y'
and (b.class_id, b.xm, b.sfzjhm, b.sfzjlx, b.kc) in
(select d.class_id, d.xm, d.sfzjhm, d.sfzjlx, d.kc
from sc_class d
where where d.yxbz = 'Y'
group by d.class_id, d.xm, d.sfzjhm, d.sfzjlx, d.kc
having count(1) > 1)
group by b.class_id, b.xm, b.sfzjhm, b.sfzjlx, b.kc));