【Oracle】ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired




SCOTT@GOOD> drop table t1;
drop table t1
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00054: resource busy and acquire with NOWAIT specified or timeout expired ---登录sys用户或者其他具有权限的用户
SCOTT@GOOD> conn / as sysdba
Connected. ---查找sid和serial#
16:20:10 SYS@GOOD> select t2.username, t2.sid, t2.serial#, t2.logon_time
16:43:17   2  from v$locked_object t1, v$session t2
16:43:17   3  where t1.session_id = t2.sid
16:43:17   4  order by t2.logon_time; USERNAME             SID    SERIAL# LOGON_TIM
------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------
TOM             147    1395 25-DEC-16 ---kill掉即可
16:43:18 SYS@GOOD> alter system kill session '147,1395'; System altered. ---t1表删除成功
SCOTT@GOOD> drop table t1; Table dropped.

下一篇:【转】Android ListView加载不同的item布局