CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Dec 12, 2014

在UI上选中一个word template之后:


CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server




CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server





CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server




CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server



这个版本号来自浏览器发送的http request的form fields里:


CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server




具体获得是通过ActiveX技术,存储在Javascript 变量wordVersion里。

CM:How is the version of word installed in client returned to Application server

上一篇:Cloudera Manager 5.9 和 CDH 5.9 离线安装

下一篇:CM: webservice 元数据在word template中的存储