3 The simple past

  1 许多动词通过在原型之后添加-ed 构成一般过去式。 其他动词有不规则的过去式,使用一般过去式的时间词语出现在句首或者句尾

  The company grew from 400 to 5,000 people in the 1950s.

  Sixty years ago, the company employed about 100 people.

  2 对于过去式的否定式,使用did not 或者didn't + 动词原型

  Labor costs increased in 1996.

  They didn't increase in 1997.

  3 使用to be 的过去时态的一般疑问句如何提问与回答

  Were you in the meeting this morning?

  Yes, I was.

  No, I wasn't.

  4 使用其他动词的过去时态的一般疑问句如何提问与回答

  Did Belle Vie have a successful first quarter?

  Yes, it had a successful first quarter.

  Yes, it did.

  No, it didn't have a successful first quarter.

  No, it didn't.

  5 通常过去时的特殊疑问句要求使用did, 但是当疑问句是问句的主语时,did不能使用

  Where did you meet Rupert?

  Who called this morning?  

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