
嗯,如题 是个蛋疼物
1  TXT   没图
2  BAK  只能再导入QQ使用
3  MHT 有图有字,缺点是一旦聊天记录很多,文件体积就会很大,几乎所有的工具都不能正常打开

单纯的把MHT转换成HTML也不行,因为HTML也很大,加上图片之类的资源 也会卡死
代码如下 只支持单个QQ群导出记录

  1 import io;
2 import fsys.dlg;
3 import string;
4 import crypt.bin;
5 import fsys.path;
6 //将Base64的数据转换成图片
7 function base64images (str,path)
8 {
9 if(str)
10 {
11 var kzm = string.match(str,"Content-Type:image/(\S+)");
12 var wjm = string.match(str,"Content-Location\:(\S+.dat)");
13 startpos,endpos = string.find(str,"}.dat");
14 if(endpos)
15 {
16 var bindata = crypt.bin.decodeBase64(string.trim( string.sub(str,endpos+1)));
17 //io.print(string.trim( string.sub(str,endpos)));
18 //execute("pause") //按任意键继续
19 string.save(path ++ "\\" ++ wjm,bindata);
20 }
22 }
23 }
24 //切割记录文件
25 function split_html (file_path,path)
26 {
27 var html_head = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>QQ Message</title><style type="text/css">body{font-size:12px; line-height:22px; margin:2px;}td{font-size:12px; line-height:22px;}</style></head><body><table width=100% cellspacing=0>';
28 var html_foot = '</body></html>';
29 var file = io.open( file_path, "rt" );
30 var line_text = file.read();
31 var line = 0;
32 var page = 0;
33 var tmp = '';
34 while(line_text)
35 {
36 line_text = string.match(line_text,"\<tr.*?\</tr\>");
37 if(line_text)
38 {
39 tmp = tmp ++ string.replace(line_text,'@<IMG src="{','<IMG src="data:images/{');
40 line++;
41 if( line>500 )
42 {
43 var f = io.open(path ++page++".html","w+");
44 f.write(html_head);
45 f.write(tmp);
46 f.write('</table>'++'<a href="'++ page+1 ++'.html">Next page</a>');
47 f.write(html_foot);
48 f.close();
49 page++;
50 line = 0;
51 tmp = '';
52 }
53 }
54 line_text = file.read();
55 }
56 var f = io.open(path ++ page ++ ".html","w+");
57 f.write(html_head);
58 f.write(tmp);
59 f.write('</table>');
60 f.write(html_foot);
61 f.close();
62 file.close();
63 }
64 //打开控制台
65 io.open();
66 //选择QQ聊天记录
67 var mhtPath = fsys.dlg.open("QQ聊天记录文件*.mht|*.mht||");
68 //开始处理文件
69 if(mhtPath)
70 {
71 var path = io.splitpath(mhtPath);
72 var img_dir = path.dir ++ path.name ++ '\\images';
73 var file = io.open( mhtPath, "rt" );
74 fsys.createDir( path.dir ++ path.name);
75 fsys.createDir( path.dir ++ path.name ++ '\\images');
76 var html = io.open( path.dir ++ path.name ++ "\\tmp.html","a+");
77 var line_text = file.read();
78 var i = 0; //行数
79 var is_html = false;
80 var tmp_image_data = '';
81 //判断是否是腾讯QQ聊天记录文件
82 if(string.indexAny(line_text,"Tencent"))
83 {
85 while( line_text )
86 {
87 //判断文本内容开始处
88 html_start,xmlns_end = string.find(line_text,"@<html xmlns");
89 if( 1 == html_start )
90 {
91 is_html = true;
92 }
93 //判断文本内容结束处
94 html_end1,html_end2 = string.find(line_text,"@</table></body></html>");
95 if( 1 == html_end1 )
96 {
97 //最后一行写入文件
98 html.write(line_text);
99 html.write('\r\n');
100 is_html = false;
101 //break;
102 }
104 if(is_html)
105 { //将聊天文本内容写入文件
106 html.write(line_text);
107 html.write('\r\n');
108 }
110 //切割图片base64数据
111 if(false == is_html && i>10 )
112 {
113 if(string.find(line_text,"@------=_NextPart")){
114 base64images(tmp_image_data,img_dir);
115 tmp_image_data = line_text ++ '\r\n';
116 }else{
117 tmp_image_data = tmp_image_data ++ line_text ++ '\r\n';
118 }
119 }
121 line_text = file.read();
122 i++;
123 io.print("已处理",i,'行数据');
124 }
125 base64images(tmp_image_data,img_dir);
127 }else {
129 io.print("您选择的文件可能不是QQ导出的mht聊天记录文件");
131 }
132 //关闭文件
133 file.close();
134 html.close();
135 //需要切割html
136 split_html( path.dir ++ path.name ++ "\\tmp.html",path.dir ++ path.name ++ "\\");
137 }
138 else
139 {
140 io.print("请正确的选择QQ导出的mht聊天记录文件");
141 }
142 execute("pause") //按任意键继续
143 io.close();//关闭控制台


PHP版本的(可能有点小BUG 不确定 效率提升不少)

 1 <?php
2 if(!file_exists($argv[1])){
3 echo 'There isn\'t have this file.';
4 exit;
5 }
6 ini_set('pcre.backtrack_limit',100000000);
7 #ini_set('pcre.recursion_limit',100000000);
8 define("BASEDIR",dirname($argv[1]).'/');
9 $is_table_end = false;
10 $page = 0;
11 mk_imgdir();
12 $handle = fopen("input.mht", "rb");
13 $contents = '';
14 while (!feof($handle)) {
15 $contents .=fread($handle,204800);
16 $contents = process($contents);
17 }
18 process($contents);
20 #主体数据处理
21 function process($contents){
22 $html_head = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>QQ Message</title><style type="text/css">body{font-size:12px; line-height:22px; margin:2px;}td{font-size:12px; line-height:22px;}</style></head><body><table width=100% cellspacing=0>';
23 $html_foot = '</table></body></html>';
24 Global $is_table_end;
25 Global $page;
26 if(false === $is_table_end){
27 if( false !== strpos($contents,$html_foot) ){
28 $is_table_end = true;//判断消息部分是否完毕 只处理图片部分
29 }
30 $r = preg_match_all ('|<tr.*?\</tr\>|ims', $contents , $matches ,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
31 if($r){
32 $matches = array_chunk($matches[0],200);
33 foreach($matches as $key=>$val){
34 $arr = array_column($val,0);
35 array_walk( $arr , function(&$v, $k) { $v = preg_replace('|<IMG src="{(\S)(\S)(\S+).dat|ims','<IMG src="../images/$1/$2/{$1$2$3.dat',$v);});
36 file_put_contents('messages/'.sprintf("%08d", $page+$key).'.html' ,$html_head . implode('',$arr).'<td><H1><a href="./'.sprintf("%08d", $page+$key+1).'.html">Next page</a></h1></td>'.$html_foot);
37 }
38 $page += $key;
39 $pos = end($val);
40 $contents = substr($contents,bcadd($pos[1],strlen($pos[0]),0));
41 }else{
42 $contents = '';
43 }
44 }
45 if(true === $is_table_end){
46 //图片部分
47 $r = preg_match_all ('|Content-Type:image.*?:base64.*?Content-Location:(.*?)\.dat(.*?)(?:------=_)|ims', $contents , $matches ,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
48 if($r){
49 //$matches = array_chunk($matches[0],200);
50 $result = array();
51 foreach($matches as $key=>$val){
52 $result[] = array('name'=>$val[1][0],'contents'=>$val[2][0]);
53 if(count($result) >=150){
54 put_images($result);
55 $result = array();
56 }
57 }
58 put_images($result);
59 $result = array();
60 $contents = substr($contents,$val[0][1]); ##There is no str len
61 }else{
62 $contents = '';
63 }
64 }
65 return $contents;
66 }
69 #写入图片表情文件到硬盘
70 function put_images($data){
71 foreach($data as $val){
72 $dir = './images/'. substr($val['name'],1,1) .'/' . substr($val['name'],2,1) .'/'.$val['name'] . '.dat';
73 echo $dir."\r\n";
74 file_put_contents($dir,base64_decode(trim($val['contents'])));
75 }
76 }
78 #建立图片保存目录
79 function mk_imgdir(){
80 if(file_exists(BASEDIR.'images')){
81 rename(BASEDIR.'images',BASEDIR.'images_old');
82 }
83 $tmp = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');
84 foreach($tmp as $v1){
85 mkdir(BASEDIR.'images'.'/'.$v1,0777,true);
86 foreach($tmp as $v2){
87 mkdir(BASEDIR.'images'.'/'.$v1.'/'.$v2,0777,true);
88 }
89 }
90 if(file_exists(BASEDIR.'messages')){
91 rename(BASEDIR.'messages',BASEDIR.'messages_old');
92 }
93 mkdir(BASEDIR.'messages'.'/',0777,true);
94 return 0;
95 }
$is_table_end = false ; $page = 0 ;$contents = ''; $output_zip = './test.zip';
echo 'There isn\'t have this file.';
#建立归档文件 默认为
$handle = fopen($argv[1], "rb");
$contents .=fread($handle,124416);#wtf
$contents = mht_process($contents,$output_zip);
while (!feof($handle)); #主体数据处理
function mht_process($contents,$output_zip){
Global $is_table_end;
Global $page;
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open($output_zip,ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE)
echo 'create image failed';
if(false === $is_table_end)
$html_head = '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /><title>QQ Message</title><style type="text/css">body{font-size:12px; line-height:22px; margin:2px;}td{font-size:12px; line-height:22px;}</style></head><body><table width=100% cellspacing=0>';
$html_foot = '</table></body></html>';
#判断消息部分是否完毕 只处理图片部分
if(false !== strpos($contents,$html_foot))
$is_table_end = true;
$r = preg_match_all ('|<tr.*?\</tr\>|ims', $contents , $matches ,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$matches = array_chunk($matches[0],200);
foreach($matches as $key=>$val)
$arr = array_column($val,0);
array_walk( $arr , function(&$v, $k) use ($zip)
$v = preg_replace('|<IMG src="{(\S)(\S)(\S+).dat|ims','<IMG src="../images/$1/$2/{$1$2$3.dat',$v);
$zip->addFromString('messages/'.sprintf("%08d", $page+$key).'.html' ,$html_head . implode('',$arr).'<td> <H1><a href="./'.sprintf("%08d", $page+$key-1).'.html">Prev page</a></h1> <H1><a href="./'.sprintf("%08d", $page+$key+1).'.html">Next page</a></h1></td>'.$html_foot);
$page += $key;
$pos = end($val);
$contents = substr($contents,bcadd($pos[1],strlen($pos[0]),0));
$contents = '';
if(true === $is_table_end)
$r = preg_match_all ('|Content-Type:image.*?:base64.*?Content-Location:(.*?)\.dat(.*?)(?:------=_)|ims', $contents , $matches ,PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER);
//$matches = array_chunk($matches[0],200);
$result = array();
foreach($matches as $key=>$val){
$result = array('name'=>$val[1][0],'contents'=>$val[2][0]);
$dir = 'images/'. substr($result['name'],1,1) .'/' . substr($result['name'],2,1) .'/'.$result['name'] . '.dat';
$result = array();
$result = array();
$contents = substr($contents,$val[0][1]);
$contents = '';
#剩余部分返回 下一次处理拼接数据
return $contents;
} #建立保存目标
function make_output_target($output='./test.zip')
$zip = new ZipArchive;
if ($zip->open($output,ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== TRUE)
echo 'create images directory failed';
$tmp = array('0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');
array_walk($tmp,function($val,$key) use ($tmp,$zip)
$base_path = 'images/'.$val;
array_walk($tmp,function($val,$key) use ($tmp,$zip,$base_path)
return 0;


 "php.exe" cli.php input.mht > log.txt

生成ZIP之后 可以用winmount来挂载查看 无需解压很方便


下一篇:十六、oracle 索引