


ubiattach version 1.0 - a tool to attach MTD device to UBI.
Usage: ubiattach  <UBI control device node file name> 
[-m <MTD device number>] [-d <UBI device number>]
[--mtdn=<MTD device number>] [--devn <UBI device number>]

Example 1: ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 0 - attach MTD device 0 (mtd0) to UBI
Example 2: ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 0 -d 3 - attach MTD device 0 (mtd0) to UBI and  create UBI device number 3 (ubi3)

-d, --devn=<UBI device number>  the number to assign to the newly created UBI       device(the number is assigned automatically if this is not specified)
-m, --mtdn=<MTD device number>  MTD device number to attach
-O, --vid-hdr-offset            VID header offset (do not specify this unless you really know what you do and the optimal defaults will be used)
-h, --help                      print help message
-V, --version                   print program version

ubimkvol version 1.0 - a tool to create UBI volumes.
Usage: ubimkvol <UBI device node file name> [-h] [-a <alignment>] [-n <volume ID>] [-N <name>] [-s <bytes>] [-S <LEBs>] [-t <static|dynamic>] [-V] [-m] [--alignment=<alignment>][--vol_id=<volume ID>] [--name=<name>] [--size=<bytes>] [--lebs=<LEBs>] [--type=<static|dynamic>] [--help] [--version] [--maxavsize]

Example: ubimkvol/dev/ubi0 -s 20MiB -N config_data - create a 20 Megabytes volume named "config_data" on UBI device /dev/ubi0.

-a, --alignment=<alignment>   volume alignment (default is 1)
-n, --vol_id=<volume ID>      UBI volume ID, if not specified, the volume ID
will be assigned automatically
-N, --name=<name>             volume name
-s, --size=<bytes>            volume size volume size in bytes, kilobytes (KiB)
or megabytes (MiB)
-S, --lebs=<LEBs count>       alternative way to give volume size in logical
-m, --maxavsize               set volume size to maximum available size
-t, --type=<static|dynamic>   volume type (dynamic, static), default is dynamic
-h, -?, --help                print help message
-V, --version                 print program version

The following is a compatibility option which is deprecated, do not use it
-d, --devn=<devn>             UBI device number - may be used instead of the UBI
device node name in which case the utility assumes
that the device node is "/dev/ubi<devn>"

ubidetach version 1.0 - a tool to remove UBI devices (detach MTD devices from UBI)
Usage: ubidetach<UBI control device node file name> [-d <UBI device number>] [-m <MTD device number>] [--devn <UBI device number>] [--mtdn=<MTD device number>]
Example 1: ubidetach /dev/ubi_ctrl -d 2 - delete UBI device 2 (ubi2)
Example 2: ubidetach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 0 - detach MTD device 0 (mtd0)

-d, --devn=<UBI device number>  UBI device number to delete
-m, --mtdn=<MTD device number>  or altrnatively, MTD device number to detach -
this will delete corresponding UBI device
-h, --help                      print help message
-V, --version                   print program version

ubiformat version 1.0 - a tool to format MTD devices and flash UBI images
Usage: ubiformat <MTD device node file name> [-h] [-V] [-y] [-q] [-v]
[-x <num>] [-E <value>] [-s <bytes>] [-O <offs>] [-n]
[--help] [--version] [--yes] [--verbose] [--quiet]
[--ec=<value>] [--vid-hdr-offset=<offs>]
[--ubi-ver=<num>] [--no-volume-table]
Example 1: ubiformat /dev/mtd0 -y - format MTD device number 0 and do not ask questions.
Example 2: ubiformat /dev/mtd0 -q -e 0 - format MTD device number 0, be quiet and force erase counter value 0.

-s, --sub-page-size=<bytes>  minimum input/output unit used for UBI
headers, e.g. sub-page size in case of NAND
flash (equivalent to the minimum input/output
unit size by default)
-O, --vid-hdr-offset=<offs>  offset if the VID header from start of the
physical eraseblock (default is the next
minimum I/O unit or sub-page after the EC
-n, --no-volume-table        only erase all eraseblock and preserve erase
counters, do not write empty volume table
-f, --flash-image=<file>     flash image file
-e, --erase-counter=<value>  use <value> as the erase counter value for all
-y, --yes                    assume the answer is "yes" for all question
this program would otherwise ask
-q, --quiet                  suppress progress percentage information
-v, --verbose                be verbose
-x, --ubi-ver=<num>          UBI version number to put to EC headers
(default is 1)
-h, -?, --help               print help message
-V, --version                print program version


● flash_eraseall /dev/mtd5 //擦除mtd5 
● ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 5 -d 0 //UBI和mtd5关联 ->ubi0
● ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 0 -N rootfs0 -s 256MiB //创建分区ubi0_0设定volume 大小

● mount -t ubifs ubi0_0 /mnt/ubi或mount -t ubifs ubi0:rootfs0 /mnt/ubi //挂载



#fatload mmc 0:1 81000000 ubi.img
#nand unlock
#nand ecc sw
#nand erase 680000 7980000
#nand write.i 81000000 680000 $(filesize)


法一,使用 ubiformat工具

./ubiformat -q /dev/mtd5 -f ubi.img


ubiattach /dev/ubi_ctrl -m 5 -d 0

ubimkvol /dev/ubi0 -n 0 -N rootfs -s 128MiB

mount -t ubifs ubi0_0 /mnt/ubi0

tar -jxv -C /mnt/ubi0 rootfs.tar.bz2

umount /mnt/ubi0



#setenv bootargs console=ttyAM0,115200n8 ubi.mtd=5 root=ubi0:rootfs rootfstype=ubifs init=linuxrc 
# setenv bootcmd nand read.i 80300000 280000 200000\;bootm 80300000

上一篇:Python2中while 1比while True更快
