#定义一个学生列表,可存储多个学生 '''student = ['赵钱','孙李','周吴','郑王'] print(student[1]) #孙李 student_info =['杨波', 72, 'male', ['泡8', '喝9']] # 杨波同学所有的爱好 print(student_info[3]) # 杨波同学的第二个爱好 print(student_info[3][1]) # 4、成员运算in和not in print('杨波' in student_info)#True print('杨波' not in student_info)#False #5、追加 student_info =['杨波', 72, 'male', ['泡8', '喝9']] student_info.append('安徽最牛的学院,合肥学院') print(student_info) print(student_info[-2]) #['泡8', '喝9'] print(student_info[0:4:2]) #['杨波', 'male'] print('杨波' in student_info)#True print('杨波' not in student_info)#False #6、删除 del student_info[2] print(student_info)''' '''#需要掌握 student_info = ['123', 18, 'male', ['感悟', '喊麦'], 18] # 1、index获取列表中某个值的索引 print(student_info.index(18))#1 # 2、count获取列表中某个值的数量 print(student_info.count(18))#2 #3、取值,默认列表中最后一个值,类似删除 #若pop()括号中写了索引,则取索引对应的值 student_info.pop() print(student_info) sex = student_info.pop(2) print(sex) print(student_info) #4、移除 student_info.remove(18) print(student_info) #['123', ['感悟', '喊麦']] name = student_info.remove('123') print(name) #None print(student_info)''' #5、插入值 '''student_info = ['123',95,'male',['尬舞','喊麦'],95] #在student_info中,索引为3的位置插入“合肥学院” student_info.insert(3,'合肥学院') print(student_info)''' #6、extend 合并列表 '''student_info1 = ['123', 18, 'male', ['感悟1', '喊麦2'], 18] student_info2 = ['456',95,'male',['尬舞','喊麦'],95] student_info1.extend(student_info2) print(student_info1)'''
'''tuple1 = (1, 2, 3, '五', '六') print(tuple1)#(1, 2, 3, '五', '六') print(tuple1[2])#3 print(tuple1[0:5:3])# (1, '五') print(len(tuple1))#5 print(1 in tuple1)#True print(1 not in tuple1)#False for line in tuple1: print(line)'''
#不可变类型 #int '''number = 100 print(id(number)) #1978694208 number = 111 print(id(number)) #1978694560 #float sal = 1.0 print(id(sal)) #2210740179472 sal = 2.0 print(id(sal)) #2210740179304 str1 = 'hello python!' print(id(str1)) #2210741626416 str2 = str1.replace('hello', 'like') print(id(str2)) #2210741626288'''
'''list1 = [1,2,3] list2 = list1 list1.append(4) print(id(list1)) print(id(list2)) print(list1) print(list2)'''
在{ }内,以逗号隔开可存放多个值,以key-value存取,取值速度快。
'''dict1 = dict({'age':18,'name': 'nj'}) print(dict1) #{'age': 18, 'name': 'nj'} print(type(dict1)) #<class 'dict'> print(dict1['age']) #18 dict1['level'] = 9 print(dict1) #{'age': 18, 'name': 'nj', 'level': 9} print(dict1['name']) #nj print('name' in dict1) #True print('nj' in dict1) #False print('nj' not in dict1) #True del dict1['level'] print(dict1) #{'age': 18, 'name': 'nj'} print(dict1.keys()) #dict_keys(['age', 'name']) print(dict1.values()) #dict_values([18, 'nj']) print(dict1.items()) #dict_items([('age', 18), ('name', 'nj')]) for key in dict1: print(key) print(dict1[key]) dict1 = {'age': 18,'name': 'nj'} print(dict1.get('sex')) #None print(dict1.get('sex','male')) #male'''
# while循环 '''str1 = 'tank' while True: name = input('请输入猜测字符: ').strip() if name == 'tank': print('tank success!') break print('请重新输入!')''' #限制循环次数 '''str1 = 'nj' num = 0 while num < 3: name = input('请输入猜测的字符:').strip() if name == 'nj': print('nj success!') break print('请重新输入!') num += 1'''
'''with open('file.txt','w',encording='utf-8') as f: f.write('墨菲定律') with open('file.txt','r',encording='utf-8') as f: res = f.read() print(res) with open('file.txt','a',encording='utf-8') as f: f.write('围城')''' '''with open('cxk.jpg', 'rb') as f: res=f.read() print(res) jpg = res with open('cxk_copy.jpg','wb') as f_w: f_w.write(jpg) with open('cxk.jpg', 'rb') as f_r,open('cxk_copy.jpg','wb') as f_w: res = f_r.read() f_w.write(res)'''
#1、无参函数 '''def login(): user = input('请输入用户名').strip() pwd = input('请输入密码').strip() if user == 'tank' and pwd == '123': print('login successful!') else: print('login error!') print(login) login()''' #2、有参函数 '''def login(username, password): user = input('请输入用户名').strip() pwd = input('请输入密码').strip() if user == username and pwd == password: print('login successful!') else: print('login error!') login('tank', '123')''' # 在定义阶段:位置形参 '''def func(x,y): print(x,y) func(10,100) def func(x,y): print(x,y)''' #函数的嵌套定义 '''def func1(): print('from func1...') def func2(): print('from func2...') print(func1) def f1(): pass def f2(): pass dic1 = {'1':f1,'2':f2} choice = input('请选择功能编号:') if choice == '1': print(dic1[choice]) dic1[choice]() elif choice == '2': print(dic1[choice]) dic1[choice]()'''