LD_DEBUG 是 glibc 中的 loader 为了方便自身调试而设置的一个环境变量。通过设置这个环境变量,可以方便的看到 loader 的加载过程。 以在 64位 centos 上编译安装 memcached 为例,安装阶段顺利,执行 memcached 命令时出现错误:
#memcached –h
/usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached: error while loading shared libraries: libevent-1.4.so.2:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
#find / -name libevent-1.4.so.2
设置 LD_DEBUG 变量获得更多信息:
#LD_DEBUG=help ls
Valid options for the LD_DEBUG environment variable are:
libs display library search paths
reloc display relocation processing
files display progress for input file
symbols display symbol table processing
bindings display information about symbol binding
versions display version dependencies
all all previous options combined
statistics display relocation statistics
unused determined unused DSOs
help display this help message and exit
To direct the debugging output into a file instead of standard output
a filename can be specified using the LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT environment variable.
库依赖的问题,使用 libs 参数:
#LD_DEBUG=libs /usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached –h
9808: find library=libevent-1.4.so.2 [0]; searching
9808: search cache=/etc/ld.so.cache
9808: search path=/lib64/tls/x86_64:/lib64/tls:/lib64/x86_64:/lib64:/usr/lib64/tls/x86_64
(system search path)
9808: trying file=/lib64/tls/x86_64/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/lib64/tls/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/lib64/x86_64/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/lib64/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/usr/lib64/tls/x86_64/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/usr/lib64/tls/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/usr/lib64/x86_64/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: trying file=/usr/lib64/libevent-1.4.so.2
9808: /usr/local/memcached/bin/memcached: error while loading shared libraries: libevent-1.4.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ln -s /usr/lib/libevent-1.4.so.2 /usr/lib64/libevent-1.4.so.2