c# – DTO和服务之间的通话


UI层仅引用从其方法返回DTO的服务接口.具体的服务类负责将域模型(EF POCO)映射到DTO.







// This is the domain model
public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

// This is a dto for the domain model
public class CustomerDto
    public string Name { get; set; }

// Interface for ServiceA
public interface IServiceA
    void AddCustomer();

// ServiceA
public class ServiceA : IServiceA
    private readonly IServiceB _serviceB;

    // ServiceA takes in an IServiceB as a dependency
    public ServiceA(IServiceB serviceB)
        _serviceB = serviceB;

    public void AddCustomer()
        var entity = new Customer();

        // !! This is the key part !!

        // I have to map to a dto in order to call the method on ServiceB.
        // This is a VERY simple example but this unnecessary mapping 
        // keeps cropping up throughout the service layer whenever
        // I want to make calls between services.

        var dto = Mapper.CreateFrom<CustomerDto>(entity);


// Interface for ServiceB
public interface IServiceB
    void DoSomethingElseWithACustomer(CustomerDto customer);

// ServiceB
public class ServiceB : IServiceB
    public void DoSomethingElseWithACustomer(CustomerDto customer)
        // Some logic here


关于对DTO的不必要映射:考虑使用Data Access ObjectsRepositories if you prefer Domain Driven Design访问数据库.因此,您可以在服务层下面使用一种“实用程序层”,直接使用映射(实体)对象.

关于耦合的类型:ServiceB可以实现多个接口,尤其是只在服务器端可见的接口. ServiceA可能依赖于该接口来访问ServiceB的更多内部部分,这些部分不适合发布到客户端.


下一篇:c# – 使用Expression在另一个Expression中映射DTO类