
import math

# 需排序个数
n = 9

# 单个排序
def heap_objust(lis: list, i, n):
    while 2 * i <= n:
        max_child_index = 2 * i
        rmax_child_index = max_child_index + 1
        if 2 * i < n and lis[rmax_child_index] > lis[max_child_index]:
            max_child_index = rmax_child_index

        if lis[i] < lis[max_child_index]:
            lis[i], lis[max_child_index] = lis[max_child_index], lis[i]
            i = max_child_index
    return lis

# 构造大顶堆
def heap(lis: list, n):
    for i in range(n // 2, 0, -1):
        heap_objust(lis, i, n)
    return lis

x = heap([0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], n)

# 进行排序
def sort(lis: list, n):
    while n > 1:
        lis[n], lis[1] = lis[1], lis[n]

        n -= 1

        if n == 2 and lis[1] < lis[2]:
        heap_objust(lis, 1, n)
    return lis

print(sort(x, 9))

上一篇:[css] 你最希望css拥有什么样的特性?(目前没有的)
