




int ha_commit_trans(THD *thd, bool all, bool ignore_global_read_lock)

这个函数为mysql的提交函数,这个函数在事务提交时被调用,在内部实现了2PC的事务提交。众所周知,2PC分为两个阶段,prepare与commit,而在这个函数的代码中,实际上也可以看到以这两个阶段为名的调用 tc_log->prepare(thd, all)与tc_log->commit:

int ha_commit_trans(THD *thd, bool all, bool ignore_global_read_lock)
if (!trn_ctx->no_2pc(trx_scope) && (trn_ctx->rw_ha_count(trx_scope) > 1))
error= tc_log->prepare(thd, all);
if (error || (error= tc_log->commit(thd, all)))
ha_rollback_trans(thd, all);
error= 1;
goto end;


TC_LOG *tc_log;


Transaction Coordinator Log. A base abstract class for three different implementations of the
transaction coordinator. The server uses the transaction coordinator to order transactions
correctly and there are three different implementations: one using
an in-memory structure, one dummy that does not do anything, and one
using the binary log for transaction coordination.
class TC_LOG
Perform heuristic recovery, if --tc-heuristic-recover was used. @note no matter whether heuristic recovery was successful or not
mysqld must exit. So, return value is the same in both cases. @retval false no heuristic recovery was requested
@retval true heuristic recovery was performed
bool using_heuristic_recover(); TC_LOG() {}
virtual ~TC_LOG() {} enum enum_result {
}; /**
Initialize and open the coordinator log.
Do recovery if necessary. Called during server startup. @param opt_name Name of logfile. @retval 0 sucess
@retval 1 failed
virtual int open(const char *opt_name)=0; /**
Close the transaction coordinator log and free any resources.
Called during server shutdown.
virtual void close()=0; /**
Log a commit record of the transaction to the transaction
coordinator log. When the function returns, the transaction commit is properly
logged to the transaction coordinator log and can be committed in
the storage engines. @param thd Session to log transaction for.
@param all @c True if this is a "real" commit, @c false if it is a "statement" commit. @return Error code on failure, zero on success.
virtual enum_result commit(THD *thd, bool all) = 0; /**
Log a rollback record of the transaction to the transaction
coordinator log. When the function returns, the transaction have been aborted in
the transaction coordinator log. @param thd Session to log transaction record for. @param all @c true if an explicit commit or an implicit commit
for a statement, @c false if an internal commit of the statement. @return Error code on failure, zero on success.
virtual int rollback(THD *thd, bool all) = 0; /**
Log a prepare record of the transaction to the storage engines. @param thd Session to log transaction record for. @param all @c true if an explicit commit or an implicit commit
for a statement, @c false if an internal commit of the statement. @return Error code on failure, zero on success.
virtual int prepare(THD *thd, bool all) = 0;


static int init_server_components()
if (total_ha_2pc > 1 || (1 == total_ha_2pc && opt_bin_log))
if (opt_bin_log)
tc_log= &mysql_bin_log;
tc_log= &tc_log_mmap;


int MYSQL_BIN_LOG::prepare(THD *thd, bool all)
DBUG_ENTER("MYSQL_BIN_LOG::prepare"); DBUG_ASSERT(opt_bin_log);
The applier thread explicitly overrides the value of sql_log_bin
with the value of log_slave_updates.
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->slave_thread ?
opt_log_slave_updates : thd->variables.sql_log_bin); /*
Set HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY to not flush the prepared record of the
transaction to the log of storage engine (for example, InnoDB
redo log) during the prepare phase. So that we can flush prepared
records of transactions to the log of storage engine in a group
right before flushing them to binary log during binlog group
commit flush stage. Reset to HA_REGULAR_DURABILITY at the
beginning of parsing next command.
thd->durability_property= HA_IGNORE_DURABILITY; int error= ha_prepare_low(thd, all); DBUG_RETURN(error);


TC_LOG::enum_result MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit(THD *thd, bool all)
if (ordered_commit(thd, all, skip_commit))



|_ _ _ _ MYSQL_BIN_LOG::prepare
| |
| |_ _ _ _ ha_prepare_low
|_ _ _ _ MYSQL_BIN_LOG::commit
| _ _ _ _MYSQL_BIN_LOG::ordered_commit
|_ _ _ _ha_commit_low
