for var in list do commands done 2、一行书写方式: for var in list; do 3、读取列表中的值 for test in Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico New York North Carolina do echo "Now going to $test" done 4、从变量读取列表 list="Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado" list=$list" Connecticut" for state in $list do echo "Have you ever visited $state?" done $ ./test4 Have you ever visited Alabama? Have you ever visited Alaska? 5、从命令读取值 file="states" for state in $(cat $file) do echo "Visit beautiful $state" done $ cat states Alabama Alaska Arizona $ ./test5 Visit beautiful Alabama Visit beautiful Alaska Visit beautiful Arizona 6、在bash shell C 语言的 for 命令 for (( i=1; i <= 10; i++ )) do echo "The next number is $i" done The next number is 1 The next number is 2 The next number is 3 7、bash shell C 语言的 for 命令,使用多个变量 for (( a=1, b=10; a <= 10; a++, b-- )) do echo "$a - $b" done 1 - 10 2 - 9 3 - 8