// Generate code for the updated function.
graph_codegen_ = std::unique_ptr<GraphCodegen>(new GraphCodegen());
graph_codegen_->Init(nullptr, targets_);
LoweredOutput Codegen(relay::Function func) {
auto pf = GetPackedFunc("relay.backend.GraphPlanMemory");
storage_device_map_ = (*pf)(func);
// First we convert all the parameters into input nodes.
for (auto param : func->params) {
auto node_ptr = GraphInputNode::make_node_ptr(param->name_hint(), GraphAttrs());
var_map_[param.get()] = AddNode(node_ptr, param);
heads_ = VisitExpr(func->body);
std::ostringstream os;
dmlc::JSONWriter writer(&os);
LoweredOutput ret;
ret.graph_json = os.str();
ret.params = params_;
for (auto& kv : lowered_funcs_) {
if (ret.lowered_funcs.count(kv.first) == 0) {
ret.lowered_funcs.Set(kv.first, IRModule());
auto& mod = ret.lowered_funcs[kv.first];
ret.lowered_funcs.Set(kv.first, mod);
ret.external_mods = compile_engine_->LowerExternalFunctions();
return ret;
Map<Expr, Array<IntegerArray> > GraphPlanMemory(const Function& func) {
return StorageAllocator().Plan(func);
* \brief Return device allocation map based on the post order traversed graph.
* For the following program:
* .. code-block:: python
* x = relay.var("x")
* y = relay.var("y")
* add = relay.add(x, y)
* sqrt = relay.sqrt(add)
* log = relay.log(add)
* subtract = relay.subtract(sqrt, log)
* exp = relay.exp(subtract)
* Suppose we have annotated add, sqrt, and log with device 1, 2, and 3,
* respectively. The fallback/default device is 4. After Rewriting the
* program, we can have the following graph, where each copy op has both
* source and destination device type denoting which device the data should be
* copied from and to.
* x y
* \ /
* add/1
* / \
* copy1 copy2
* | |
* sqrt/2 log/3
* | |
* copy3 copy4
* \ /
* subtract
* |
* exp
* To Get the device mapping of each expression, we need to propagate the
* device information from the copy ops. This can be done in two passes.
* -Pass 1: Propagating the source device type to ops in a bottom-up way to the
* ancestors until encountering another copy op. For example, this way
* provides add, x, and y device types from the copy operator, `copy1`.
* -Pass 2: Propagating the destination device type of "the last" copy op to the
* remain nodes. For instance, this offers `subtract` and `exp` the
* same device type as `copy3`.
void CreateToken(const ExprNode* op, bool can_realloc) final {
auto it = prototype_.find(op);
CHECK(it != prototype_.end());
std::vector<StorageToken*> tokens;
for (StorageToken* tok : it->second) {
if (can_realloc) {
} else {
// Allocate a new token,
StorageToken* allocated_tok = Alloc(tok, GetMemorySize(tok));
allocated_tok->device_type = tok->device_type;
// ensure it never get de-allocated.
allocated_tok->ref_counter += 1;
token_map_[op] = tokens;
内存分配分为两种情况,一种是can_realloc为真,即可以复用内存,另外一种是不可以复用内存的。如果内存可以复用,调用Request函数来重新计算tok大小。并将其放入tokens列表中。还有一个free_列表记录了可用的内存块,在申请新的内存的时候会从free_中查找有没有可用的符合大小的内存块。符合条件的内存块大小位于区间[size/match_range, size*match_range]之间,首先寻找大于需要申请空间的tok,如果没有再寻找不低于size/match_range的tok,如果都没有就创建新的storageTok。为什么要使用一个match_range来扩大tok搜索范围呢?我猜测可能是为了能增加toke的复用率,减少tok的数量。