1. 二叉树排序
二叉树排序的描述也是一个递归的描述, 所以二叉树排序的构造自然也用递归的:
2. 二叉树排序代码实现:
package com.himi.classisort; public class BinaryTreeSortDemo {
private int value;// current value
private BinaryTreeSortDemo lChild;// left child
private BinaryTreeSortDemo rChild;// right child public BinaryTreeSortDemo(int value, BinaryTreeSortDemo l, BinaryTreeSortDemo r) {
this.value = value;
this.lChild = l;
this.rChild = r;
} public BinaryTreeSortDemo getLChild() {
return lChild;
} public void setLChild(BinaryTreeSortDemo child) {
lChild = child;
} public BinaryTreeSortDemo getRChild() {
return rChild;
} public void setRChild(BinaryTreeSortDemo child) {
rChild = child;
} public int getValue() {
return value;
} public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
} // iterater all node.
public static void iterater(BinaryTreeSortDemo root) {
// 先迭代遍历根节点的左边
if (root.lChild != null) {
// 再迭代遍历根节点
System.out.print(root.getValue() + " "); // 最后迭代遍历根节点的右边
if (root.rChild != null) {
} } /**
* add child to the current node to construct a tree. Time: O( nlog(n) )
public void addChild(int n) {
if (n < value) {
if (lChild != null) {
} else {
lChild = new BinaryTreeSortDemo(n, null, null);
} } else {
if (rChild != null) {
} else {
rChild = new BinaryTreeSortDemo(n, null, null);
} // test case.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = new int[] {23, 54, 1, 65, 9, 3, 100}; //创建一个根节点
BinaryTreeSortDemo root = new BinaryTreeSortDemo(arr[0], null, null); //将数组以排序二叉树的方式摆放
for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { root.addChild(arr[i]);
} //遍历上面形成的排序二叉树