[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记


Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning,Elyor Kodirov Tao Xiang Shaogang Gong,Queen Mary University of London, UK,{e.kodirov, t.xiang, s.gong}@qmul.ac.uk


  • 通过对耦学习提升零次学习系统的性能(类似CycleGan)
  • 结构非常简洁,且可直接求解,速度非常快
  • 有效应用到其他相关任务(监督聚类)上,证明了范化性能

[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记


Linear autoencoder

[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记

Model Formulation

[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记

which is a well-known Sylvester equation which can be solved efficiently by the Bartels-Stewart algorithm (matlab sylvester).


  • 将一个未知的类别特征样本xi通过W映射到语义空间(属性)si,通过比较语义空间的距离找到离它最近的类别(无训练样本),即为它的标签
  • 将所有无训练数据类别的语义特征S通过WT映射到特征空间X,通过比较一个未知类别的样本xi和映射到特征空间的类别中心X的距离,找到离它最近的类别,即为它的标签
  • 以上两种算法得到结果的准确度基本相同。

监督聚类:在这个问题中,语义空间即为类别标签空间(one-hot class label)。所有测试数据被影射到训练类别标签空间,然后使用k-means聚合


[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记


[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记


[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记



数据集:Semantic word vector representation is used for large-scale datasets (ImNet-1 and ImNet-2). We train a skip-gram text model on a corpus of 4.6M Wikipedia documents to obtain the word2vec2 [38, 37] word vectors.

[CVPR 2017] Semantic Autoencoder for Zero-Shot Learning论文笔记

特征:除 ImNet-1用AlexNet提取外,其他均使用了GoogleNet


  • Our SAE model achieves the best results on all 6 datasets.
  • On the smallscale datasets, the gap between our model’s results to the strongest competitor ranges from 3.5% to 6.5%.
  • On the large-scale datasets, the gaps are even bigger: On the largest ImNet-2, our model improves over the state-of-the-art SS-Voc [22] by 8.8%.
  • Both the encoder and decoder projection functions in our SAE model (SAE (W) and SAE (WT) respectively) can be used for effective ZSL.
    • The encoder projection function seems to be slightly better overall.
  • Measures how well a zero-shot learning method can trade-off between recognising data from seen classes and that of unseen classes
    • Holding out 20% of the data samples from the seen classes and mixing them with the samples from the unseen classes.
    • On AwA, our model is slightly worse than the SynCstruct [13].
    • However, on the more challenging CUB dataset, our method significantly outperforms the competitors.


数据集: A synthetic dataset and Oxford Flowers-17 (848 images)


  • On computational cost, our model (93s) is more expensive than MLCA (39%) but much better than all others (hours~days).
  • Achieves the best clustering accuracy

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