



prtconf [ -c ] [ -k ] [ -L ] [ -m ] [ -s ] [ -v ]


-c  Displays cpu type, for example, 32-bit or 64-bit.

-k  Display the kernel in use, for example, 32-bit or 64-bit.

-L  Displays LPAR partition number and partition name if this is an LPAR partition, otherwise returns "-1 NULL".

-m  Displays system memory.

-s   Displays processor clock speed in MegaHertz.

-v   Displays the VPD found in the Customized VPD object class for devices.



2.1 lsvg查看卷组信息


lsvg [ -L ] [ -o ] | [ -n DescriptorPhysicalVolume ] | [ -i ] [ -l | -M | -p ] VolumeGroup ...


-L  Specifies no waiting to obtain a lock on the Volume group.

  -p  Lists the following information for each physical volume within the group specified by the VolumeGroup parameter:

-l  Lists the following information for each logical volume within the group specified by the VolumeGroup parameter:

  -o  Lists only the active volume groups (those that are varied on). An active volume group is one that is available for use.




2.2 lspv查看物理硬盘


lspv [ -L ] [ -l | -p | -M ] [ -n DescriptorPhysicalVolume] [ -v VolumeGroupID] PhysicalVolume



2.3 lslv查看逻辑卷

To Display Logical Volume Information


lslv [ -L ] [ -l| -m ] [ -nPhysicalVolume ] LogicalVolume



2.4 varyonvg激活/varyoffvg关闭卷组



(1)     激活:

varyonvg [ -b ] [ -c ] [ -f ] [ -M LTGSize ] [ -n ] [ -p ] [ -r ] [ -s ] [ -t ] [ -u ] VolumeGroup

(2)     关闭:

varyoffvg [ -s ] VolumeGroup

2.5 mkvg创建卷组




mkvg [ -B ] [ -t factor ] [ -S [ -v LogicalVolumes ] [ -P Partitions ] ][ -C ] [ -G ] [ -f ] [ -i ] [ -I ][ -c ] [ -x ] [ -L LTGSize ] [ -n ] [ -s Size ] [ -V MajorNumber ] [ -y VolumeGroup ] PhysicalVolume ...



Creates a Big-type volume group. This can accommodate up to 128 physical volumes and 512 logical volumes. Note: Because the VGDA space has been increased substantially, every VGDA update operation (creating a logical volume, changing a log ical volume, adding a physical volume, and so on) may take considerably longer to run.


Forces the volume group to be created on the specified physical volume unless the physical volume is part of another volume group in the Device Configuration Database or a volume group that is active.


Specifies that the volume group is not automatically available during a system restart. The default value activates the volume group automatically.

   -P Partitions

Total number of partitions in the volume group, where the Partitions variable is represented in units of 1024 partitions. Valid values are 32, 64, 128, 256, 512 768, 1024 and 2048. The default is 32 k (32768 partitions). The chvg command can be used to increase the number of partitions up to the maximum of 2048 k (2097152 partitions). This option is only valid with the


Creates a Scalable-type volume group. By default, this volume group can accommodate up to 1024 physical volumes, 256 logical volumes and 32768 physical partitions. To increase the number of logical volumes, use the -v option. To increase the number of physical partitions, use the -P option. Note: Increasing maxlvs and maxpps beyond the default values for a scalable volume group can significantly increase the size of the VGDA proportionately. The maxlvs and maxpps values should only be increased as needed because they cannot be decreased. Meanwhile, as the VGDA space increases all VGDA update operations (creating a logical volume, changing a logical volume, adding a physical volume, and so on) can take longer and longer to run.

-s Size

Sets the number of megabytes in each physical partition, where the Size variable is expressed in units of megabytes from 1 (1 MB) through 131072 (128 GB). The Size variable must be equal to a power of 2 (example 1, 2, 4, 8). The default value for 32 and 128 PV volume groups will be the lowest value to remain within the limitation of 1016 physical partitions per PV. The

default value for scalable volume groups will be the lowest value to accommodate 2040 physical partitions per PV.


Number of logical volumes that can be created. Valid values are 256, 512, 1024, 2048 and 4096. The default is 256. The chvg command can be used to increase the number of logical volumes up to the maximum of 4096. This option is only valid with the -S option. The last logical volume is reserved for metadata.

  -y VolumeGroup

Specifies the volume group name rather than having the name generated automatically. Volume group names must be unique system wide and can range from 1 to 15 characters. The name cannot begin with a prefix already defined in the PdDv class in the Device Configuration database for other devices. The volume group name created is sent to standard output.

The volume group name can only contain the following characters: "A" through "Z," "a" through "z," "0" through "9," or "_" (the underscore), "-" (the minus sign), or "." (the period). All

other characters are considered invalid.


#mkvg –y ‘testvg’ –s ‘256’ –n testpv1 testpv2 testpv3


2.6 mklv创建逻辑卷


mklv [ -a Position ] [ -b BadBlocks ] [ -c Copies ] [ -C Stripe_width ] [ -d Schedule ] [ -e Range ] [ -i ] [ -L Label ] [ -m MapFile ] [ -o y / n ] [ -r Relocate ] [ -s Strict ] [ -t Type ] [ -T O ] [ -u UpperBound ] [ -v Verify ] [ -w MirrorWriteConsistency ] [ -x Maximum ] [ -y NewLogicalVolume | -Y Prefix ] [ -S StripSize ] [ -U Userid ] [ -G Groupid ] [ -P Modes ] VolumeGroup Number [ PhysicalVolume ... ]

Common falgs:

  -a Position

Sets the intra-physical volume allocation policy (the position of the logical partitions on the physical volume)

  -c Copies

Sets the number of physical partitions allocated for each logical partition. The Copies variable can be set to a value from 1 to 3; the default is 1.

-t Type

Sets the logical volume type. The standard types are jfs (journaled file systems), jfslog (journaled file system logs), jfs2 (enhanced journaled file system), jfs2log (enhanced journaled file system logs), and paging (paging spaces), but a user can define other logical volume types with this flag. You cannot create a striped logical volume of type boot. The default is jfs.

If a log is manually created for a filesystem, the user must run the logform command to clean out the new jfslog before the log can be used. For example, to format the logical volume

  -x Maximum

Sets the maximum number of logical partitions that can be allocated to the logical volume. The default value is 512. The number represented by the Number parameter must be equal to or less than the number represented by the Maximum variable.

  -y NewLogicalVolume

Specifies the logical volume name rather than having the name generated automatically. Logical volume names must be unique system wide and can range from 1 to 15 characters. If the volume group is varied on in concurrent mode, the new logical volume name should be unique across all the concurrent nodes where the volume group is varied on. The name cannot begin with a prefix already defined in the PdDv class in the Device Configuration Database for other devices.


  #mklv –y testlv –t raw –s n –w n –r n testvg 15


2.7 chlv修改逻辑卷



  chlv [ -a Position ] [ -b BadBlocks ] [ -d Schedule ] [ -e Range ] [ -L label ] [ -o Y / N ] [ -p Permission ] [ -r Relocate ] [ -s Strict ] [ -t Type ] [ -u Upperbound ] [ -v Verify ] [ -w       MirrorWriteConsistency ] [ -x Maximum ] [ -T O / F ] [ -U Userid ] [ -G Groupid ] [ -P Modes ] LogicalVolume ...


chlv  -t jfs  -x 256 testlv


