Gradle2.0用户指南翻译——第十章. Web 应用程序快速入门

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第十章. Web 应用程序快速入门

Chapter 10. Web Application Quickstart

This chapter is a work in progress.

本章介绍了Gradle对Web应用程序的相关支持。Gradle提供了两个用于Web应用开发的插件:War和Jetty。 War插件扩展了Java插件,可以用来构建WAR文件。 Jetty插件扩展了War插件,能将Web应用程序部署到嵌入式Jetty Web容器中。 
This chapter introduces some of the Gradle's support for web applications. Gradle provides two plugins for web application development: the War plugin and the Jetty plugin. The War plugin extends the Java plugin to build a WAR file for your project. The Jetty plugin extends the War plugin to allow you to deploy your web application to an embedded Jetty web container.

10.1. 构建一个WAR文件

10.1. Building a WAR file

To build a WAR file, you apply the War plugin to your project:

示例 10.1. 使用War 插件 - Example 10.1. War plugin


apply plugin: 'war'

注:本示例的代码可以在Gradle的二进制或源代码发行包中的 samples/webApplication/quickstart里找到。
Note: The code for this example can be found at samples/webApplication/quickstart which is in both the binary and source distributions of Gradle.

以上操作也会将Java插件应用到项目中。运行gradle build将对你的项目进行编译,测试和并打成WAR包。 Gradle将查找在src/main/webapp目录中的源文件,并与所编译出来的类文件,及其运行时依赖关系一起包含到WAR文件中。 
This also applies the Java plugin to your project. Running gradle build will compile, test and WAR your project. Gradle will look for the source files to include in the WAR file in src/main/webapp. Your compiled classes, and their runtime dependencies are also included in the WAR file.

Groovy web 应用程序

You can combine multiple plugins in a single project, so you can use the War and Groovy plugins together to build a Groovy based web application. The appropriate groovy libraries will be added to the WAR file for you.

Groovy web applications

10.2. 运行 web 应用程序

10.2. Running your web application

要运行 web 应用程序,需要将 Jetty 插件应用于项目中:
To run your web application, you apply the Jetty plugin to your project:

示例10.2. 使用Jetty插件运行Web应用程序 - Example 10.2. Running web application with Jetty plugin


apply plugin: 'jetty'

以上操作也会将War插件应用到你的项目中。运行gradle jettyRun,将在嵌入式Jetty Web容器中运行你的Web应用程序。运行gradle jettyRunWar将先构建出WAR文件,然后在嵌入式Web容器中运行它。 
This also applies the War plugin to your project. Running gradle jettyRun will run your web application in an embedded Jetty web container. Running gradle jettyRunWar will build the WAR file, and then run it in an embedded web container.

TODO: which url, configure port, uses source files in place and can edit your files and reload.

10.3. 总结

10.3. Summary

你可以在《第二十六章, War插件》在《第二十八章,Jetty 插件》中分别了解更多关于War 及Jetty 插件的内容。并且可以在Gradle的发行包中的samples/webApplication目录中找到更多Java 项目示例。 
You can find out more about the War plugin in Chapter 26, The War Plugin and the Jetty plugin in Chapter 28, The Jetty Plugin. You can find more sample Java projects in the samples/webApplication directory in the Gradle distribution.

