Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解

Today we have learned the Matrix Factorization, and I want to record my study notes. Some kownledge which I have learned before is forgot...(呜呜)


单位矩阵:identity matrix




对角矩阵:diagonal matrix

对角化矩阵:Diagonalizing a Matrix

矩阵分解:matrix factorization

奇异值分解:SVD(singular value decomposition)

2.Basic kowledge

<1>Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

What: The basic equation is Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解, the x is the eigenvector of A and the lamda is the eigenvalue of A.

How: We can transpose this equation as Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解(I is identity matrix), so we will kown the Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解.  We can calculate the eigenvalues and then get the eigenvectors.

<2>Diagonalizing a Matrix

What: (大家都知道,但是特别注意下形如下面的两种矩阵也是对角矩阵)

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解

How: Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解,lamada is the eigenvalue of A, and the column of S is the eigenvector of A. Like follow:

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解


  • The Rank and the Row Reduced Form (注:我们知道矩阵秩的定义或者求法有很多种,这里说的是行/列最简形矩阵的行/列数即为矩阵的秩,或者就是矩阵的最大非零r阶子式,则r称为矩阵的秩,即R(A)=r )
  • If the rank of matrix A(n*n) is r, what it's mean. 矩阵A的列向量或者行向量只有r个是非线性相关的,其他的n-r个向量是无价值的。(这个很重要,下面矩阵分解将会用到,自己的感悟不会用英文表达了,用中文。。。)

<4>singular value

3. Matrix Factorization


Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解


Why: We can use this to

  • Image Recovery

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解(recovery this image)

  • Recommendation

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解(evaluate the ?)

  • and so on


<1>Matrix completation

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解


Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解

<2>SVD is one of the methods of matrix factorization, we will introduce this method below.

We have discussed the Diagonalizing a Matrix,but when A is any m by n matrix, square or rectangular. Its rank is r. We will diagonalize this A, but not by Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解. The eigenvectors in S have three big problems: They are usually not orthogonal, there are not always enough eigenvectors, and Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解 requires A to be square. The singular vectors of A solve all those problems in a perfect way.

singular value:(这里有一篇博文说的很好,推荐下

Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解


Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解


Matrix Factorization SVD 矩阵分解

to be continued...

上一篇:51Nod 1090 3个数和为0(暴力)
