【转】Notepad++ 快捷键 大全 官方整理过来的


Ctrl+C 复制
Ctrl+X 剪切
Ctrl+V 粘贴
Ctrl+Z 撤消
Ctrl+Y 恢复
Ctrl+A 全选
Ctrl+F 键查找对话框启动
Ctrl+H 查找/替换对话框
Ctrl+D 复制并粘贴当行

Ctrl+L 删除当前行
Ctrl+T 当行向上移动一行
F3 查找下一个
Shift+F3 查找上一个
Ctrl+Shift+F 组合在文件中查找
Ctrl+F3 查找(volatil)下一页
Ctrl+Shift+F3 查找(volatil)上一页
Ctrl+Shift+I 组合增量搜索
Ctrl+S 保存文件
Ctrl+Alt+S 另存为
Ctrl+Shift+S 保存所有文件
Ctrl+O 打开文件
Ctrl+N 新建立文件
Ctrl+F2 切换书签
F2 转到下一个书签
Shift+F2 转到上一个书签
CTRL+G 定位换行,偏移量
Ctrl+W 关闭当前文档
Alt+Shift+Arrow 键移箭头键或
ALT+鼠标左键 单击列选择
F5 启动运行对话框
Ctrl+空格 输入法切换
Alt+空格 程序单击右键
Tab 插入缩进
Shift+Tab 删除缩进
Alt-Shift-Arrow 或
Ctrl +鼠标滚轮钮 放大缩小
Ctrl +Keypad/恢复原来的大小
F11 全屏模式
Ctrl+Tab 下一个文档
Ctrl+Shift+Tab 上一个文档
Ctrl+Shift+Up 当前线向上移
Ctrl-Shift-Down 当前线向下移
Ctrl+Alt+F 折叠当前层次
Alt+0 折叠全部
Alt+Shift+0 展开全部
Alt+(1~8) 折叠级别(1~8)
Alt+Shift+(1~8) 展开级别(1~8)
Ctrl+BackSpace 删除开始词
Ctrl+Delete 删除结束词
Ctrl+Shift+BackSpace 删除至行
Ctrl+Shift+Delete 删除至行尾
CTRL+U 转换为小写
Ctrl+Shift+U 转换为大写
Ctrl+B 转至匹配的括号
Ctrl+Shift+R 的开始录制/停止录制宏
Ctrl+Shift+P 播放录制的宏
CTRL+Q 注释/取消注释
Ctrl+Shift+Q 值流评论
Ctrl+Shift+T 当前行复制到剪贴板
Ctrl+P 打印
Alt+F4 退出
Ctrl+I 分割线
Ctrl+J 连接行
Ctrl+Alt+R 从右边阅读
Ctrl+Alt+L 从左边阅读
F1 关于帮助

本人不懂用Google翻译出大概 再修改的可能有几个错误英文版

Ctrl-C Copy
Ctrl-X Cut
Ctrl-V Paste
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-Y Redo
Ctrl-A Select All
Ctrl-F Launch Find Dialog
Ctrl-H Launch Find / Replace Dialog
Ctrl-D Duplicate Current Line
Ctrl-L Delete Current Line
Ctrl-T Switch the current line position with the previous line position
F3 Find Next
Shift-F3 Find Previous
Ctrl-Shift-F Find in Files
Ctrl-F3 Find (volatil) Next
Ctrl-Shift-F3 Find (volatil) Previous
Ctrl-Shift-I Incremental Search
Ctrl-S Save File
Ctrl-Alt-S Save As
Ctrl-Shift-S Save All
Ctrl-O Open File
Ctrl-N New File
Ctrl-F2 Toggle Bookmark
F2 Go To Next Bookmark
Shift-F2 Go To Previous Bookmark
Ctrl-G Launch GoToLine Dialog
Ctrl-W Close Current Document
Alt-Shift-Arrow keys or
Alt + Left mouse click Column Mode Select
F5 Launch Run Dialog
Ctrl-Space Launch CallTip ListBox
Alt-Space Launch Word Completion ListBox
Tab (selection of several lines) Insert Tabulation or Space (Indent)
Shift-Tab (selection of several lines) Remove Tabulation or Space (outdent)
Ctrl-(Keypad-/Keypad+) or
Ctrl + mouse wheel button (if any) Zoom in (+ or up) and Zoom out (- or down)
Ctrl-Keypad/ Restore the original size from zoom
F11 Toggle Full Screen Mode
Ctrl-Tab Next Document
Ctrl-Shift-Tab Previous Document
Ctrl-Shift-Up Move Current Line Up
Ctrl-Shift-Down Move Current Line Down
Ctrl-Alt-F Collapse the Current Level
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F Uncollapse the Current Level
Alt-0 Fold All
Alt-(1~8) Collapse the Level (1~8)
Alt-Shift-0 Unfold All
Alt-Shift-(1~8) Uncollapse the Level (1~8)
Ctrl-BackSpace Delete to start of word
Ctrl-Delete Delete to end of word
Ctrl-Shift-BackSpace Delete to start of line
Ctrl-Shift-Delete Delete to end of line
Ctrl-U Convert to lower case
Ctrl-Shift-U Convert to UPPER CASE
Ctrl-B Go to matching brace
Ctrl-Shift-R Start to record /Stop recording the macro
Ctrl-Shift-P Play recorded macro
Ctrl-Q Block comment/uncomment
Ctrl-Shift-Q Stream comment
Ctrl-Shift-T Copy current line to clipboard
Ctrl-P Print
Alt-F4 Exit
Ctrl-I Split Lines
Ctrl-J Join Lines
Ctrl-Alt-R Text Direction RTL
Ctrl-Alt-L Text Direction LTR
F1 About


下一篇:centos6 搭建ELK