




1. PowerProfile.Java


(1)public double getAveragePower(String type)



* No power consumption, or accounted for elsewhere.
public static final String POWER_NONE = "none";
* Power consumption when CPU is in power collapse mode.
public static final String POWER_CPU_IDLE = "cpu.idle";
* Power consumption when CPU is awake (when a wake lock is held). This
* should be 0 on devices that can go into full CPU power collapse even
* when a wake lock is held. Otherwise, this is the power consumption in
* addition to POWERR_CPU_IDLE due to a wake lock being held but with no
* CPU activity.
public static final String POWER_CPU_AWAKE = "cpu.awake";
* Power consumption when CPU is in power collapse mode.
public static final String POWER_CPU_ACTIVE = "cpu.active";
* Power consumption when WiFi driver is scanning for networks.
public static final String POWER_WIFI_SCAN = "wifi.scan";
* Power consumption when WiFi driver is on.
public static final String POWER_WIFI_ON = "wifi.on";
* Power consumption when WiFi driver is transmitting/receiving.
public static final String POWER_WIFI_ACTIVE = "wifi.active";
* Power consumption when GPS is on.
public static final String POWER_GPS_ON = "gps.on";
* Power consumption when Bluetooth driver is on.
public static final String POWER_BLUETOOTH_ON = "bluetooth.on";
* Power consumption when Bluetooth driver is transmitting/receiving.
public static final String POWER_BLUETOOTH_ACTIVE = "bluetooth.active";
* Power consumption when Bluetooth driver gets an AT command.
public static final String POWER_BLUETOOTH_AT_CMD = "bluetooth.at";
* Power consumption when screen is on, not including the backlight power.
public static final String POWER_SCREEN_ON = "screen.on";
* Power consumption when cell radio is on but not on a call.
public static final String POWER_RADIO_ON = "radio.on";
* Power consumption when cell radio is hunting for a signal.
public static final String POWER_RADIO_SCANNING = "radio.scanning";
* Power consumption when talking on the phone.
public static final String POWER_RADIO_ACTIVE = "radio.active";
* Power consumption at full backlight brightness. If the backlight is at
* 50% brightness, then this should be multiplied by 0.5
public static final String POWER_SCREEN_FULL = "screen.full";
* Power consumed by the audio hardware when playing back audio content. This is in addition
* to the CPU power, probably due to a DSP and / or amplifier.
public static final String POWER_AUDIO = "dsp.audio";
* Power consumed by any media hardware when playing back video content. This is in addition
* to the CPU power, probably due to a DSP.
public static final String POWER_VIDEO = "dsp.video";

代码段1 PowerProfile.java中定义的子系统类型

(2) public double getAveragePower(String type, int level)

相比于方法(1),此接口需要传入参数level,现在来解释下level的含义。我们知道,android系统中CPU可以以多种速度运行(假设分别为600MHz,800MHz,1GHZ等),速度不同时CPU消耗的电量也不同,参数level即代表不同的运行频率,显然,方法getAveragePower(String type, int level)将返回type子系统在CPU运行速度级别为level时单位时间内所消耗的电量(即电流值)。

(3)public double getBatteryCapacity()       获取电池总电量。

(4)public int getNumSpeedSteps()        获取CPU可以以几种速度运行。

2. power_profile.xml


<device name="Android">
<!-- All values are in mA except as noted -->
<item name="none">0</item>
<item name="screen.on">200</item> <!-- min brite -->
<item name="bluetooth.active">150</item>
<item name="bluetooth.on">1</item>
<item name="bluetooth.at">1</item> <!-- TBD -->
<item name="screen.full">160</item> <!-- 360 max on calendar -->
<item name="wifi.on">1</item> <!-- wifi处于开启状态,但未传输数据 -->
<item name="wifi.active">150</item> <!-- wifi处于传输数据状态 -->
<item name="wifi.scan">200</item> <!-- wifi处于搜索热点状态 -->
<item name="dsp.audio">150</item>
<item name="dsp.video">200</item>
<item name="radio.active">150</item>
<item name="gps.on">55</item>
<item name="battery.capacity">1750</item>
<item name="radio.scanning">90</item> <!-- TBD -->
<!-- Current consumed by the radio at different signal strengths, when paging -->
<array name="radio.on"> <!-- 1 entry per signal strength bin, TBD -->
<array name="cpu.speeds">
<value>350000</value> <!-- 3.5MHz -->
<value>700000</value> <!-- 7.0MHz -->
<value>920000</value> <!-- 9.2MHz -->
<value>1200000</value> <!-- 1.2GHz -->
<!-- Power consumption in suspend -->
<item name="cpu.idle">7</item>
<!-- Power consumption due to wake lock held -->
<item name="cpu.awake">20</item>
<!-- Power consumption at different speeds -->
<array name="cpu.active">

代码段2 power_profile.xml内容

显然,从power_profile.xml可知,此型号机器可以以3.5MHz、7.0MHz、9.2MHz、1.2GHz四种速度运行(<array name="cpu.speeds">定义),且在此四种运行速度下CPU的耗电量分别为120mAh,228mAh,299mAh及397mAh(<array name="cpu.active">)。通过对比代码段1可知,PowerProfile.java中定义的常量即对应于power_profile.xml中各属性名。因此,PowerProfile.java只是用于读取power_profile.xml的接口而已,后者才是存储系统耗电信息的核心文件。



* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ package com.android.internal.os; import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.XmlResourceParser; import com.android.internal.util.XmlUtils; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser;
import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap; /**
* Reports power consumption values for various device activities. Reads values from an XML file.
* Customize the XML file for different devices.
* [hidden]
public class PowerProfile { /**
* No power consumption, or accounted for elsewhere.
public static final String POWER_NONE = "none"; /**
* Power consumption when CPU is in power collapse mode.
public static final String POWER_CPU_IDLE = "cpu.idle"; /**
* Power consumption when CPU is in power collapse mode.
public static final String POWER_CPU_ACTIVE = "cpu.active"; /**
* Power consumption when WiFi driver is scanning for networks.
public static final String POWER_WIFI_SCAN = "wifi.scan"; /**
* Power consumption when WiFi driver is on.
public static final String POWER_WIFI_ON = "wifi.on"; /**
* Power consumption when WiFi driver is transmitting/receiving.
public static final String POWER_WIFI_ACTIVE = "wifi.active"; /**
* Power consumption when GPS is on.
public static final String POWER_GPS_ON = "gps.on"; /**
* Power consumption when Bluetooth driver is on.
public static final String POWER_BLUETOOTH_ON = "bluetooth.on"; /**
* Power consumption when Bluetooth driver is transmitting/receiving.
public static final String POWER_BLUETOOTH_ACTIVE = "bluetooth.active"; /**
* Power consumption when Bluetooth driver gets an AT command.
public static final String POWER_BLUETOOTH_AT_CMD = "bluetooth.at"; /**
* Power consumption when screen is on, not including the backlight power.
public static final String POWER_SCREEN_ON = "screen.on"; /**
* Power consumption when cell radio is on but not on a call.
public static final String POWER_RADIO_ON = "radio.on"; /**
* Power consumption when cell radio is hunting for a signal.
public static final String POWER_RADIO_SCANNING = "radio.scanning"; /**
* Power consumption when talking on the phone.
public static final String POWER_RADIO_ACTIVE = "radio.active"; /**
* Power consumption at full backlight brightness. If the backlight is at
* 50% brightness, then this should be multiplied by 0.5
public static final String POWER_SCREEN_FULL = "screen.full"; /**
* Power consumed by the audio hardware when playing back audio content. This is in addition
* to the CPU power, probably due to a DSP and / or amplifier.
public static final String POWER_AUDIO = "dsp.audio"; /**
* Power consumed by any media hardware when playing back video content. This is in addition
* to the CPU power, probably due to a DSP.
public static final String POWER_VIDEO = "dsp.video"; public static final String POWER_CPU_SPEEDS = "cpu.speeds"; static final HashMap<String, Object> sPowerMap = new HashMap(); private static final String TAG_DEVICE = "device";
private static final String TAG_ITEM = "item";
private static final String TAG_ARRAY = "array";
private static final String TAG_ARRAYITEM = "value";
private static final String ATTR_NAME = "name"; public PowerProfile(Context context) {
// Read the XML file for the given profile (normally only one per
// device)
if (sPowerMap.size() == 0) {
} private void readPowerValuesFromXml(Context context) {
int id = com.android.internal.R.xml.power_profile;
XmlResourceParser parser = context.getResources().getXml(id);
boolean parsingArray = false;
ArrayList<Double> array = new ArrayList();
String arrayName = null; try {
XmlUtils.beginDocument(parser, TAG_DEVICE); while (true) {
XmlUtils.nextElement(parser); String element = parser.getName();
if (element == null) break; if (parsingArray && !element.equals(TAG_ARRAYITEM)) {
// Finish array
sPowerMap.put(arrayName, array.toArray(new Double[array.size()]));
parsingArray = false;
if (element.equals(TAG_ARRAY)) {
parsingArray = true;
arrayName = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_NAME);
} else if (element.equals(TAG_ITEM) || element.equals(TAG_ARRAYITEM)) {
String name = null;
if (!parsingArray) name = parser.getAttributeValue(null, ATTR_NAME);
if (parser.next() == XmlPullParser.TEXT) {
String power = parser.getText();
double value = 0;
try {
value = Double.valueOf(power);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
if (element.equals(TAG_ITEM)) {
sPowerMap.put(name, value);
} else if (parsingArray) {
if (parsingArray) {
sPowerMap.put(arrayName, array.toArray(new Double[array.size()]));
} catch (XmlPullParserException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} finally {
} /**
* Returns the average current in mA consumed by the subsystem
* @param type the subsystem type
* @return the average current in milliAmps.
public double getAveragePower(String type) {
if (sPowerMap.containsKey(type)) {
Object data = sPowerMap.get(type);
if (data instanceof Double[]) {
return ((Double[])data)[0];
} else {
return (Double) sPowerMap.get(type);
} else {
return 0;
} /**
* Returns the average current in mA consumed by the subsystem for the given level.
* @param type the subsystem type
* @param level the level of power at which the subsystem is running. For instance, the
* signal strength of the cell network between 0 and 4 (if there are 4 bars max.)
* If there is no data for multiple levels, the level is ignored.
* @return the average current in milliAmps.
public double getAveragePower(String type, int level) {
if (sPowerMap.containsKey(type)) {
Object data = sPowerMap.get(type);
if (data instanceof Double[]) {
final Double[] values = (Double[]) data;
if (values.length > level && level >= 0) {
return values[level];
} else if (level < 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return values[values.length - 1];
} else {
return (Double) data;
} else {
return 0;
} public int getNumSpeedSteps() {
Object value = sPowerMap.get(POWER_CPU_SPEEDS);
if (value != null && value instanceof Double[]) {
return ((Double[])value).length;
return 1; // Only one speed
上一篇:Codeforces Educational Codeforces Round 3 D. Gadgets for dollars and pounds 二分,贪心
