[RL 13] QMIX (ICML, 2018, Oxford)

论文: QMIX: Monotonic Value Function Factorisation for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning




假设 Qtot 与 Qi 有如(4)式的关系.
[RL 13] QMIX (ICML, 2018, Oxford)
[RL 13] QMIX (ICML, 2018, Oxford)
[RL 13] QMIX (ICML, 2018, Oxford)

  1. agent networks: 进行local决策
    • 即DRQN, Qi
  2. mixing network: 实现线性并保证单调(式(5))
    • 保证单调的方法
      1. 网络权重W均为正 (bias无所谓)
      2. (非线性的)激活函数单调递增
  3. hypernetworks: 融入state信息
    1. state为何不直接与Qi 一同作为输入?
      1. 因为 Qtot 和 st 之间没有单调关系
    2. 实现灵活输入以方便 mix net 评估 joint action-value
      1. 由state经过NN生成mix net的weight 和 bias
    3. 为什么最后的bias用了两层Linear?

7.2. Ablation Results

both central state information and non-linear value function factorisation is required to achieve good performance.

A.1. Representational Complexity

  1. Three Keys:
    The value function class representable with QMIX includes any value function that can be factored into a non-linear monotonic combination of the agents’ individual value functions in the fully observable setting.
    1. non-linear: 比VDN更expressive
    2. monotonic (对于单个agent来说) : 单个agent的最优action与其他agent无关
    3. fully observable: observartion != state
      In a Dec-POMDP, QMIX cannot necessarily represent the value function. For example, if
      [RL 13] QMIX (ICML, 2018, Oxford)
