It is currently in use by another Gradle instance

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not create service of type TaskHistoryRepository using TaskExecutionServices.createTaskHistoryRepository().
> Timeout waiting to lock task history cache (/Volumes/Mac User/macbook/lab/aws/training/gradle_student_mgmt/.gradle/4.5.1/taskHistory). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
  Owner PID: unknown
  Our PID: 8438
  Owner Operation: unknown
  Our operation: 
  Lock file: /Volumes/Mac User/macbook/lab/aws/training/gradle_student_mgmt/.gradle/4.5.1/taskHistory/taskHistory.lock


    一个Android Studio的项目,在 Mac Android Studio import的时候报错如下。用搜到的方法解决无果(如删除锁定文件)。错误始终存在。

    后尝试将该项目文件从移动硬盘移动到本地磁盘后, 问题解决。经查阅确定是gradle的一个磁盘文件系统格式支持的问题。



It is currently in use by another Gradle instance




下一篇:axios 上传文件_大规格文件的上传优化