


  1. 开源中文分词工具探析(一):ICTCLAS (NLPIR)
  2. 开源中文分词工具探析(二):Jieba
  3. 开源中文分词工具探析(三):Ansj
  4. 开源中文分词工具探析(四):THULAC
  5. 开源中文分词工具探析(五):FNLP
  6. 开源中文分词工具探析(六):Stanford CoreNLP
  7. 开源中文分词工具探析(七):LTP

1. 前言

同THULAC一样,LTP也是基于结构化感知器(Structured Perceptron, SP),以最大熵准则建模标注序列\(Y\)在输入序列\(X\)的情况下的score函数:

\[S(Y,X) = \sum_s \alpha_s \Phi_s(Y,X)


\[\mathop{\arg \max}_Y S(Y,X)

2. 分解




int segment(const char *str, std::vector<std::string> &words) {
ltp::framework::ViterbiFeatureContext ctx;
ltp::framework::ViterbiScoreMatrix scm;
ltp::framework::ViterbiDecoder decoder;
ltp::segmentor::Instance inst; int ret = preprocessor.preprocess(str, inst.raw_forms, inst.forms,
inst.chartypes); if (-1 == ret || 0 == ret) {
return 0;
} ltp::segmentor::SegmentationConstrain con;
build_lexicon_match_state(lexicons, &inst);
extract_features(inst, model, &ctx, false);
calculate_scores(inst, (*model), ctx, true, &scm); // allocate a new decoder so that the segmentor support multithreaded
// decoding. this modification was committed by niuox
decoder.decode(scm, con, inst.predict_tagsidx);
build_words(inst.raw_forms, inst.predict_tagsidx, words); return words.size();


模型文件cws.model包含了类别、特征、权重、内部词典(internal lexicon)等。我用Java 重写了模型解析,代码如下:

DataInputStream is = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(path));
char[] octws = readCharArray(is, 128); // 1. read label
SmartMap label = readSmartMap(is);
int[] entries = readIntArray(is, label.numEntries); // 2. read feature Space
char[] space = readCharArray(is, 16);
int offset = readInt(is);
int sz = readInt(is);
SmartMap[] dicts = new SmartMap[sz];
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
dicts[i] = readSmartMap(is);
} // 3. read param
char[] param = readCharArray(is, 16);
int dim = readInt(is);
double[] w = readDoubleArray(is, dim);
double[] wSum = readDoubleArray(is, dim);
int lastTimestamp = readInt(is); // 4. read internal lexicon
SmartMap internalLexicon = readSmartMap(is); // read char array
private static char[] readCharArray(DataInputStream is, int length) throws IOException {
char[] chars = new char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
chars[i] = (char) is.read();
return chars;
} // read int array
private static int[] readIntArray(DataInputStream is, int length) throws IOException {
byte[] bytes = new byte[4 * length];
IntBuffer intBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes)
int[] array = new int[length];
return array;




  • unigram字符特征 ch[-2], ch[-1], ch[0], ch[1], ch[2]
  • bigram字符特征 ch[-2]ch[-1], ch[-1]ch[0],ch[0]ch[1],ch[1]ch[2]
  • 字符类型特征 ct[-1], ct[0], ct[1]
  • 词典属性特征 ch[0]是否为词典开始字符、中间字符、结束字符


Extractor::Extractor() {
// delimit feature templates
templates.push_back(new Template("1={c-2}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("2={c-1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("3={c-0}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("4={c+1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("5={c+2}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("6={c-2}-{c-1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("7={c-1}-{c-0}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("8={c-0}-{c+1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("9={c+1}-{c+2}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("14={ct-1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("15={ct-0}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("16={ct+1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("17={lex1}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("18={lex2}"));
templates.push_back(new Template("19={lex3}"));
} #define TYPE(x) (strutils::to_str(inst.chartypes[(x)]&0x07))
data.set("c-2", (idx - 2 < 0 ? BOS : inst.forms[idx - 2]));
data.set("c-1", (idx - 1 < 0 ? BOS : inst.forms[idx - 1]));
data.set("c-0", inst.forms[idx]);
data.set("c+1", (idx + 1 >= len ? EOS : inst.forms[idx + 1]));
data.set("c+2", (idx + 2 >= len ? EOS : inst.forms[idx + 2]));
data.set("ct-1", (idx - 1 < 0 ? BOT : TYPE(idx - 1)));
data.set("ct-0", TYPE(idx));
data.set("ct+1", (idx + 1 >= len ? EOT : TYPE(idx + 1)));
data.set("lex1", strutils::to_str(inst.lexicon_match_state[idx] & 0x0f));
data.set("lex2", strutils::to_str((inst.lexicon_match_state[idx] >> 4) & 0x0f));
data.set("lex3", strutils::to_str((inst.lexicon_match_state[idx] >> 8) & 0x0f));
#undef TYPE

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