mybatis支持强大的动态生成sql功能,提供了一些标签实现动态sql拼接, 更加灵活。
标签 | 描述 |
<mapper> |
根标签,表示mapper需要映射的配置 |
<resultMap> |
指定返回集合的属性,适合使用返回值是自定义实体类的情况 |
<constructor> |
<resultMap>中的子标签,表示构造函数式声明 |
<idArg> |
<constructor>的子标签,表示实体主键 |
<sql> | 可以重用的 SQL 块,也可以被其他语句引用,与<include>标签结合使用,id必须唯一 |
<include> | 表示引用一个<sql>语句体,refid属性指定<sql>标签的id |
<insert>、<select>、<update>、<delete> | 分别对应C(create)R(read)U(update)D(delete) |
//1.动态sql之if Book queryOneByBookId(@Param("bookId")Integer bookId);
<if test="null!=bookId and ''!=bookId"> and id = #{bookId} </if>
<insert id="insertSelective" parameterType="com.star.model.Book" > insert into t_book_vue <!-- prefix:代表前缀( suffix:代表后缀) suffixOverrides:去除末尾的后缀, prefixOverrides:去除开头的前缀 --> <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> <if test="id != null" > id, </if> <if test="bookname != null" > bookname, </if> <if test="price != null" > price, </if> <if test="booktype != null" > booktype, </if> </trim> <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides="," > <if test="id != null" > #{id,jdbcType=INTEGER}, </if> <if test="bookname != null" > #{bookname,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> <if test="price != null" > #{price,jdbcType=REAL}, </if> <if test="booktype != null" > #{booktype,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, </if> </trim> </insert>
<!-- foreach用法 --> <select id="queryBookByForeach" resultType="com.star.model.Book"> <include refid="base_query_list"/> and id in <!-- conllection:代表要循环的参数 item: 每一项的别名自定义 open:开头前缀 close: 结尾后缀 separator:每项之间插入字符 --> <foreach collection="list" item="id" open="(" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> <include refid="base_order"/> </select>
4.choose (when,otherwize) ,相当于java 语言中的 switch ,与 jstl 中的choose 很类似
<!-- id:唯一 parameterType:参数类型 resultType:返回类型 --> <select id="dynamicChooseTest" parameterType="com.star.model.Book" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> <include refid="base_query_list"/> <!-- 满足表达式拼接标签体sql语句 --> <choose> <when test="bookname != null"> and bookname like concat('%',#{bookname},'%') </when> <when test="booktype != null"> and booktype = #{booktype} </when> <otherwise> and 2 = 2 </otherwise> </choose> <include refid="base_order"/> </select>
5.where (主要是用来简化sql语句中where条件判断的,能智能的处理 and or 条件)
<!-- id唯一 where标签跟在表名的后面,与if标签结合使用 --> <select id="dynamicWhereTest" parameterType="com.star.model.Book" resultMap="BaseResultMap"> select * from t_book_vue <where> <if test="bookname != null"> bookname = #{bookname} </if> <if test="booktype != null"> and booktype = #{booktype} </if> </where> </select>
<!-- set标签与where标签大同小异 --> <update id="dynamicSetTest" parameterType="com.star.model.Book"> update t_book_vue <set> <if test="bookname != null"> bookname = #{bookname}, </if> <if test="booktype != null"> booktype = #{booktype}, </if> </set> where id = #{id} </update>