shader之间传递数据实在是太常用了. 下面我们总结几种shader之间传递数据的方法.
Name based matching
最简单,也是最常用的一种传递方式是依靠名字进行匹配. 例如我们从vertex shader向fragment shader传递颜色:
//vertex shader
#version 460 core
out vec4 color;
void main(void)
color = ...;
//fragment shader
#version 460 core
in vec4 color;
out vec4 outputColor;
void main(void)
outputColor = color;
对于只有两个shader stage的程序,这种方式非常方便.
假如我们在vertex shader和fragment shader中间插入geometry shader,并且将color从vertex shader传递到geometry shader,然后再传递到fragment shader. 就会写出类似的代码:
//vertex shader
out vec4 color;
//geometry shader
in vec4 color[];
out vec4 colorFromGeom;
//fragment shader
in vec4 colorFromGeom;
如果我们绘制某些图元的时候不需要geometry shader,直接拿上面的vertex shader和fragment shader是没法使用的,因为color和colorFromGeom名字不相同. 那我们就只能重写一个fragment shader,仅仅把名字colorFromGeom改成color,以便与vertex shader匹配起来. 但是这样我们就必须同时维护两个几乎一样的fragment shader!
Location based matching
//vertex shader
layout (location = 0) out vec3 normalOut;
layout (location = 1) out vec4 colorOut;
//fragment shader
layout (location = 0) in vec3 normalIn;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 colorIn;
因为vertex shader中的normalOut与fragment shader中的normalIn的location都是0,所以它们能够匹配起来. colorOut和colorIn也是一样.
这样,刚刚提到的Named based matching的问题就能够得到解决.
//vertex shader
layout (location = 0) out vec3 normalOut;
layout (location = 1) out vec4 colorOut;
//geometry shader
layout (location = 0) in vec3 normalIn[];
layout (location = 1) in vec4 colorIn[];
layout (location = 0) out vec3 normalOut; //in和out修饰的变量,即使location相同也没关系
layout (location = 1) out vec4 colorOut;
//fragment shader
layout (location = 0) in vec3 normalIn;
layout (location = 1) in vec4 colorIn;
可以看到即使去掉geometry shader,vertex shader的normalOut、colorOut也能与fragment shader的normalIn、colorIn匹配起来.
//vertex shader
layout (location = 0) out vec3 someAttribute[2];
layout (location = 1) out vec4 colorOut; //编译错误,colorOut和someAttribute[1]同时占用location 1
void main(void)
someAttribute[0] = ...;
someAttribute[1] = ...;
colorOut = ...;
由于一个location最多存放 4*32 = 128 个字节,也就是最多能够存放4个int或者float类型的数据. someAttribute[0]会占用location 0,someAttribute[1]和colorOut会同时占用location 1. 我们需要把colorOut的location改为2,使之独享一个location.
//vertex shader
layout (location = 0) out vec3 someAttribute[2];
layout (location = 2) out vec4 colorOut; //正确,colorOut和someAttribute[2]不再同时占用相同的location
也就是说,这种方法需要我们自己推算输入输出变量的location. 如果我们把someAttribute[2]改为someAttribute[3],那colorOut的location就需要改为3. 维护这些变量的location稍微有一丢丢麻烦.
Block based matching
第三种方法是通过把输入或者输出变量打成一个组,即interface block.
//vertex shader
#version 460 core
out Data //matched by "Data"
vec3 normal;
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
} vs_out;
void main(void)
vs_out.normal = ...; //referenced by "vs_out"
vs_out.scale = ...;
//fragment shader
#version 460 core
in Data //matched by "Data"
vec3 normal;
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
} fs_in; //referenced by "fs_in"
interface block有点像结构体. 它们通过block name进行匹配,也就是以Data这个名字,使vertex shader输出数据和fragment shader的输入数据对应起来;然后通过instance name(vs_out,fs_in)进行引用,例如vs_out.normal.
就算中间插入一个geometry shader,那也是OK的.
//geometry shader
in Data
vec3 normal;
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
} gs_in;
out Data
vec3 normal;
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
} gs_out;
甚至,我们可以省略instance name.
#version 460 core
out Data
vec3 normal;
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
void main(void)
normal = ...;
scale = ...;
引用的时候直接用数据成员的名字. 不过这样退化成了name based matching,没有实际意义.
有一点需要注意,就是我们不仅需要匹配block name,member name也是需要匹配的. 例如,下面的代码就是错误的.
//vertex shader
out Data
vec3 normal;
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
} vs_out;
//fragment shader
in Data
vec3 Normal; //错误,Normal无法和normal匹配
float scale;
vec3 color;
vec2 texCoord;
} fs_in;
这种方法看起来完美无缺啊. 既能够解决name based matching的代码不能复用问题,还不用维护location based matching的location. 但是,我还有杀手锏.
Block based matching with location
其实,我们也可以为interface block指定一个起始的location.
//vertex shader
layout(location = 0) out Data
vec3 someAttribute[2];
vec2 texCoord;
float scale;
} vs_out;
//fragment shader
layout(location = 0) in Data
vec3 some Attribute[2];
vec2 texCoord;
float scale;
} fs_in;
//vertex shader
layout(location = 0) out Data
vec3 someAttribute[2];
vec2 texCoord;
float scale;
} vs_out;
layout(location = 3) out vec3 color_vs_out; //错误,color_vs_out的location必须大于等于4
//vertex shader
layout(location = 0) out Data
vec3 someAttribute[2];
layout(location = 4) vec2 texCoord;
float scale;
} vs_out;
但是,不要太异想天开. 下面的代码就是错误的.
//vertex shader
out Data
vec3 someAttribute[2];
layout(location = 4) vec2 texCoord; //错误
float scale;
} vs_out;
这种写法无法为someAttribute推算出location. 所以编译器直接从语法上杜绝了此类写法,哪怕你为someAttribute[2]指定一个location也不行.
//vertex shader
out Data
layout(location = 0) vec3 someAttribute[2]; //编译错误
vec2 texCoord;
float scale;
} vs_out;
//vertex shader
out Data
layout(location = 0) vec3 someAttribute[2];
layout(location = 2) vec2 texCoord;
layout(location = 3) float scale;
} vs_out;
//vertex shader
out Data
layout(location = 0) vec3 someAttribute[2];
layout(location = 2, component = 0) vec2 texCoord;
layout(location = 2, component = 2) float scale;
layout(location = 3) vec4 color;
} vs_out;
刚才我们提到过,每个location总计4*32 = 128个字节的容量. 可以认为总共有4个component,每个component的容量是32字节. 上面的代码,texCoord和scale均占用的是location 2,texCoord占用两个component(0和1),scale占用一个component(2). 有了component关键字,我们就能够充分利用location的空间.
但是,单纯的location based matching是不能使用component关键字的,例如:
layout(location = 2, component = 0) vec2 texCoord; //错误,component只能在interface block中使用
layout(location = 2, component = 2) float scale;
用location based matching
用Block based matching with location